Violent crime rate at "tipping point"?


Highlander's MPD
ItalianScallion said:
Sorry my friend, but you are absolutely wrong on this interpretation. God did NOT select us to be good or evil. Genesis states that God created EVERYTHING good & very good. We choose to BECOME good or evil depending on a lot of factors & choices in our lives. God knows what choices we will make before we're even born but He is NOT the cause of them. God already knows who will be saved and who won't and He predestines Christians for His will for our lives. WE STILL HAVE FREE WILL TO SIN but as Christians we try not to. And secondly, the devil cannot take any Christian "captive". He can only do what God allows him to do to anyone. He can only posess or take captive an unbeliever. He can influence Christians to sin but it is OUR choice if we do. And it does matter what we do because each of us is accountable for our own actions. Well Stanley, here's another fine thread that you have hijacked. Rock on!

It always amazes me when a tragedy occurs like a school shooting, how they have "experts" trying to figure out what went wrong and can't understand why this is happening. It's easy...Here's a few of my thoughts.....
1. Some kids are being raised by violent TV shows and video games, not parents.
2. Parents are too busy working and put the kids low on the priority list
3. Teachers used to be able to dicipline kids with a ruler AND when they got home, Dad broke out the belt. Now, the teacher's get fired and the schools get sued.
4. The media is not to be trusted to tell the truth, yet they get to question the stories of Teachers, Police Officers, etc and report what sells papers.
5. Too many people are trying to get rich off of sueing someone else instead of taking responsibility for their own actions. If a teacher smacked your kid on the hand for calling the teacher a name and refused to do what the the teacher said, and some hungry lawyer told you, you could get some money, what would you do?
6. They are allowed to teach some very questionable stuff to our kids in school but they can't mention religion. I don't care if you are religious or not, but to some, it kept them answering to a higher authority for their actions.
7. In the old days, if you spit on a cop, you knew you were going to get a night stick across the head. Now Police are getting assaulted at an alarming rate and for those who do survive a fight with a criminal, they are the lucky ones. They only get sued and raked over the coals by the media.
8. Heck, if you trip over a bump in the sidewalk or spill hot coffee on yourself, you get to blame someone else and get money.

We just simply have too many low life lawyers and the media is out to make a buck, not to do the right thing. I view most reporters as college gradutates who couldn't even get hired at Wal-Mart so they had to do something much less respectable to pay the bills. Defense lawyers and attorneys who file stupid law suits are just criminals who were smart enough to steal money and take advantage of the less fortunate by legal means.

Shall I go on?
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New Member
Now that I got me some Seagram's gin
Everybody got they cups but they ain't chipped in
Now this types of #### happens all the time
You got to get yours but fool I gotta get mine


Highlander's MPD
jetmonkey said:
Now that I got me some Seagram's gin
Everybody got they cups but they ain't chipped in
Now this types of #### happens all the time
You got to get yours but fool I gotta get mine

Can you translate this? or just put down the Seagram's for a little bit. :howdy:


Harley Rider
Nucklesack said:
Pointing out that your Fictional Book states that whether you are good or evil (holly calling or not) has already been decided BEFORE THE WORLD BEGAN, and that the devil can take you captive at his will, are discrepencies that you should be asking the author, not getting upset at me for pointing them out.
Let me splain this to you. You have taken what Paul said out of it's intended context (meaning). This is one of the reasons why people misunderstand what the Bible says. What Paul says in 2Tim.1v9 is speaking of Christians who will CHOOSE to follow God. God knew them before the world was made and so He caused certain events to happen in their lives to protect them and preserve them for their day of salvation. God's plan of salvation is what was decided before the world began, not Him picking who is good or evil. God never says that he wants some saved and others not. Peter tells us in 2 Peter 3v9 that God wants ALL to be saved and no one to perish. He doesn't take any pleasure in the death of ANY evil person.
In your next quote, Paul isn't talking about Christians being trapped by the devil, he is talking about people who Christians are trying to get through to as I am to you! He said that "those who oppose us (me) we must gently instruct (you), IN THE HOPE that you will be granted repentance...and that (you) will come to your senses and escape the trap of the devil who has taken YOU captive to do his will". When YOU choose to follow Christ, He then causes certain events in your life to happen for your good and His purpose. The more that come to God the less the violent crime rate will be at a tipping point. (Thought I'd bring us back on topic).


New Member
I think the answer is to bring the power back to the people. Less restrictive gun laws would be a good start. Prevents people even thinking about robbing someone. Self defense self protection act. Nowadays, you get your house broken into and the criminal can sue if he cuts himself on the glass on the way in, but that would never happen in Florida.

You also must realize we live in a world where priests have molested children, police beat minorities in handcuffs, teachers have sex with their students, firefighters are arsonists, even one of our former presidents cheated on his wife. Nothing is sacred anymore, forget a role model. Our civil liberties are eroded away with each passing law, which only furthers big business and walmart destroys mom and pops stores. Our role models aren't leave it to beaver, Bill Cosby, and Andy Griffith, but now have been replaced by a 50 cent, Ice Cube and Justin Timberlake. We live in a society where we depend on government to fix everything, from a decaying veterans hospital to providing Fire/EMS services, and when things fail, we blame government as well. We get mad when they come up with a quick fix for the problem but the taxes go up. Forget volunteering your time, don't even bother disciplining children... after all we have a pill that can fix that, i'll just take him to the doc and get some ritalin, that should do it. CNN is the "gospel truth" and abortion clinics are the easier answer to pregnancy than birth control... because abstinence doesn't work for unsupervised teenagers.

The reason for all of this? Lies. Lies Lies. Everyone has been lied to. Corruption of public figures, conspiracies, and misusage of tax money... propaganda- "Marijauna will kill you, make you insane and make you kill your family" or... "sex is bad... so don't even think about it" (so now the kid is out torturing and killing animals before moving on to humans. The failure to be a parent or parents. The failure to even attempt to make a marriage work... because a divorce is that much easier... the sheer selfishness of society, will be its downfall. America's version of Patriotism... put a sticker on the car. In Iraq, people die on both sides for their country... thats pretty patriotic if you ask me, sure beats the hell out of a bumper sticker. So you can harp on islam and alot of things... not that I agree with them, but at least those people are willing to die for their values. Today's youth would sell this country up the river to the communists in exchange for video games.


Harley Rider
Nucklesack said:
Here's a thought, maybe its YOU that doesnt understand it. Maybe its YOU that hasnt taken the Critical look at what you so blindly follow. Which is fine, but do not argue that we dont understand it, just because you dont want criticism.
First its not out of context, its the verse from your superstition's instruction manual. So lets try it with the parable, you let me know how it doesnt argue against free will.
Your Book states that Good and Evil doers, do not have Free Will, if you dont like it then tell God, he's the one doing the determining.
First let me say that Dork & protectmd (post 22 & 29) I don't think I've seen a better, truer post! Rock on guys!
Mr. Nucklesack, I shouldn't even go another line with you because you will not believe no matter what I say. You are hard pressed to be like doubting Thomas. Unless God stands in front of you, you won't believe in Him! I hope you see the light before YOU stand in front of Him. Here's the short version. God gives us all a choice to follow Him or not. Since He knows everything, He knows which of us will follow Him. When we choose to follow Him, He plans out our lives "according to His purpose & grace" and we WILLINGLY follow it because it's what we want to do. To follow God was my choice. He didn't force me into it. It isn't ALWAYS what we like to do but, because we love God, we do it. It's not slavery, is protective freedom. I can still go out and get drunk if I want to but I don't because I know what it does (first hand) and God doesn't approve. I don't feel I've lost my freewill, or am deprived or in bondage because God doesn't want me to do it. It's like smokers who've quit. Sure they want to smoke again but they know they shouldn't because it isn't good for them. You apparently don't see it this way but we Christians do. And finally, look in Job chapter 1 and you'll see that the devil cannot do anything he wants to anyone. He can only do what God allows him to do.


Pete said:
What the hell is a "tipping point"?

What is missing here?

Blame blame everywhere but not a single mention of a complete and utter collapse of family values, personal responsibility, respect for human life, degradation of civilized behavior?

How can that be? How can you speak about violent crimes, murders, and not speak about an entire generation growing up idolizing thugs, gangsters, and wanton mayhem, devoid of any parental control or parental role models?
You left out the activist sect of our legal system aimed at encouraging crime.


PsyOps said:
You left out the activist sect of our legal system aimed at encouraging crime.
I lost interest in this thread when it became a debate if 1Timmonthy 1v9 was correct ro not. :shrug: