Volunteers needed at Horse Trial this weekend.


New Member
We are in DESPARATE need of volunteers! No experience necessary to jump judge. I would love, love, love to have a few folks who have scribed or done XC timing before. We feed you well and give you a free schooling pass (can be used in the fall or this Saturday, but if you school free and don't show to volunteer we will be VERY unhappy!).

Email Marlboroughht@gmail.com or lesfavre@verizon.net if you can help before, during or after the event!


More info and another plea!

Hi Folks,
I am sorry for the 11th hour plea, but we really need help on Sunday running our unrecognized horse trial.
The positions most in need are cross-country timers (especially if you've done this before), cross-country jump judges (no experience necessary), and Dressage Scribes and stewards.# We can always use an extra pair of hands for our stadium crew too.
If you cannot join us Sunday, we could sure use your help during the week and on Saturday.# We need folks to walk the trails and pick up twigs, sticks,debris, etc..; someone to help flag the cross-country jumps and to help put the brush out on jumps that require them.# Saturday we will be making final preparations and setting up stadium jumps while the XC schooling pony club Dressage Rally are under way.
We will feed you on Sunday if you are volunteering and give you a free schooling pass for at least eight hours of volunteer time (does not need to be eight consecutive hours - could be four one day and four on another, etc..).# The schooling pass is good for this Saturday or the schooling days after our Fall recognized event (BN thru Prelim).
Please contact me ASAP if you can help and feel free to pass this on to anyone you know who may be able to help.# It's going to be a gorgeous weekend so please come on out and join us!
Donna B


New Member
I will talk to my kids. They should be more than willing to volunteer. I usually try to help out, but i have riders and horses in all different divisions.