Waldorf Mall and Trick or Treating


Well-Known Member
So yall are saying that you would honestly choose to take your kids some place where there is a proven higher crime rate than to somewhere else where it is safer if there is an option? Thats just dumb. I'm not saying i wouldn't take someone who was getting a little older there, but i wouldn't take someone under 10 or so to that mall unless it was a real necessity (which i can't see a reason why it would be) :shrug:

Just in case anyone was implying it, i'm in no way a "the world is out to get you" kind of person...

i'm just saying that there is no reason to put kids unnecessarily in situations that could turn out (deathly) bad. thats how #### happens.

(i personally don't even mind SE lol, but i also wouldn't take a youngin there...)
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Good Lord.... Some of you people are really sheltered. The Waldorf Mall is nowhere near a classy place BUT it's not the streets of SE like some of you suggest. I was raised in Waldorf and while it's certainly no mecca the chances of you getting robbed or shot are fairly low considering population and the dynamics of the community. The day that I'm afraid to go to the mall by myself is the day I need to carry my ass away to BFE where there's no one else around. With population you get increased crime. If the Waldorf mall sucks its because of lack of decent stores.

I would not say sheltered - a few are naive, but not sheltered...

I was raised around here also - I spent 8 years in Marlow Heights and the rest of my time in Bryantown... My wife and I lived in Southern Waldorf for the first 7 years we were married... and believe me - I have seen Waldorf change, we all have. I have moved back to Bryantown since them as a “quality” of life for my kid…

The mall - I am not saying you WILL get mugged or shot, but for Christ’s sake why make yourself more of a target by going up there by yourself at night? My wife will go there during the day by herself, but at night it is a different story… Just read the police reports or even go and talk with a CC Sherriff’s Officer - they don't bite.

Now - I am far from “Chicken Little – The Sky Is Falling”, but I have been around long enough and have traveled all over the US and the World enough to know what constitutes a safe area – you really do not need to go to BFE to be safe or free from being scared to go somewhere by yourself.

I can remember riding my bicycle to Iverson Mall and walking around there with my brother – all before I was 9 years old! Now in my late 30’s I would not imagine walking in there during the daytime! We are headed in that direction… yes, SCTC is FAR from Iverson Mall, but - give it time... the progression of crime is there.

And Yes, Waldorf is far from the streets of SE DC, Compton/East LA, Oakland, Detroit, NYC, etc... Nor is it the shopping mecca of lower Manhattan!

Start watching the police reports now until after the end of the year - it happens all the time. All I am saying is be careful...

Yes - the mall does suck for the lack of descent stores... I do agree, but some of my favorites are in there!


New Member
I don't live in a bubble - and I "mise" as well refer you to the police blotter and take a look for yourself and see... ride around Waldorf and take a look... watch the punk-azz kids and DC plates - stereo's "thumping" with no regard to the person next to you, driving like they are in a hurry to go nowhere with no respect for the people around them.

These are not "claims" - these are facts... the problem is in Calvert and St. Mary's as well, and it will only get worse in time.

The investors do not care about the area - they KNOW the shops WILL do well. New shops WILL attract business and Waldorf is already known for the mall/resteraunts and car dealerships, damn near a mini-Tysons Corner. The difference is we are closer and more convenient to the DC/PG County crowd - I am not saying everyone coming in from those areas are trash, but the majority of the crime committed HERE - in Waldorf is from people from those areas... read the SOMD Headline News on a regular basis.

I am not trying to bust anyones chops here, but these are facts...

Waldorf is filled with narcissistic people... both visiting our mall and living in the area. The face of the county has changed do to piss-poor "planning" by the commisoners and county "planners"... Let's put in more shops and not expand the infrastructure. Their answer - Metro or Lite-Rail! Yeah right, let's make it easier for more trash to come in to the county to terrorize our citizens.

Years ago, before 301 was a parking lot, you NEVER seen or heard of a fraction of the crap that goes on in Waldorf now.

I only go to Waldorf when I have to...

BTW - the ghetto is slowly moving to SMC, it is just a matter of time.

This post proves you definately don't get out much.


New Member
Good Lord.... Some of you people are really sheltered. The Waldorf Mall is nowhere near a classy place BUT it's not the streets of SE like some of you suggest. I was raised in Waldorf and while it's certainly no mecca the chances of you getting robbed or shot are fairly low considering population and the dynamics of the community. The day that I'm afraid to go to the mall by myself is the day I need to carry my ass away to BFE where there's no one else around. With population you get increased crime. If the Waldorf mall sucks its because of lack of decent stores.



New Member

if you dont trust this mall than you mise well just stay locked up in a damn bubble.....it is ridiculous the amount of "claims" i see on this board saying waldorf is so ghetto and so is the mall.

with all the new expansion of stores coming, I hardly think investors would consider putting stores there if the place was the damn ghetto....

Waldorf is beautiful. Yes there are some trouble spots, but no different then there are down in St. Marys....ya'll always complain how there is nothing to do down in St. Marys no where to shop no where to eat and then you clog up traffic on route 5/leonardtown road all the while complaining how bad waldorf is....let it go....

When a farmer works around manure all day, it's not long before he stops noticing the smell...


Well-Known Member

:shrug: yes, there is crime at this mall(just like others) but i feel as though it seems to exaggerated a bit. i'm quite sure if it was that significant there would be more than rent-a-cops on the scene. No, i don't frequent the mall alot(by choice) but when i do, it's not like i feel that there are a number of people out there or sitting in the parking lot just waiting to rob me or hit me in the head. and yes, i do read the police blotter and i don't see where there should be great alarm because there is crime being committed at the mall several times a day/week.
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New Member
Fall Festival

QUOTE=Chainsaw Slayer;2433993]I was just wondering if the Waldorf mall would be a good place to bring the kids trick or treating? I would think that the stores would give out some candy. Has anyone ever taken their kids their for Halloween?[/QUOTE]

I don't know about the mall, but a lot of churches have harvest parties or fall festivals. Cross County Baptist Church at 3822 Old Wash. Road, Waldorf is having a Family Fall Festival on the 31st from 6-9 pm. Moon Bounce, Dunk Tank, Games, Pumpkin Painting, Food, Candy and more! :nomoney:No problem, it's free! Community Welcome!

Chainsaw Slayer

New Member
So yall are saying that you would honestly choose to take your kids some place where there is a proven higher crime rate than to somewhere else where it is safer if there is an option? Thats just dumb. I'm not saying i wouldn't take someone who was getting a little older there, but i wouldn't take someone under 10 or so to that mall unless it was a real necessity (which i can't see a reason why it would be) :shrug:

Just in case anyone was implying it, i'm in no way a "the world is out to get you" kind of person...

i'm just saying that there is no reason to put kids unnecessarily in situations that could turn out (deathly) bad. thats how #### happens.

(i personally don't even mind SE lol, but i also wouldn't take a youngin there...)

I think the mall would be a good place to take my kids trick or treating. They could walk around the mall and get candy while I played in the arcade. The kids would use the buddy sytem so they should be safe.

The Dude

You mean coitus?
When a farmer works around manure all day, it's not long before he stops noticing the smell...

Damn straight! I could use the crack though :jameo: ...maybe I'll take a ride over there. :drool:

The whole problem here is the damn kids need to learn some respect, which apparently was lost on the parents who were supposed to teach it to them. Unless that's normal for people from Southern Maryland, I don't know.

Fake ass gang bangers and what not trying to be all hard. It's just hilarious....:lmao:


New Member
Damn straight! I could use the crack though :jameo: ...maybe I'll take a ride over there. :drool:

The whole problem here is the damn kids need to learn some respect, which apparently was lost on the parents who were supposed to teach it to them. Unless that's normal for people from Southern Maryland, I don't know.

Fake ass gang bangers and what not trying to be all hard. It's just hilarious....:lmao:

this seems to be a problem in a lot of places not just somd.
fake thugs-all colors
pentagon, tysons, annapolis, montgomery, other malls have this problem too.

wadorf mall is def not bad, just the usual stuff that can happen wherever.


Big Poppa
this seems to be a problem in a lot of places not just somd.
fake thugs-all colors
pentagon, tysons, annapolis, montgomery, other malls have this problem too.

wadorf mall is def not bad, just the usual stuff that can happen wherever.

This is what should be expected when large groups of people, many teens without supervision. BUt like sylvergirl said all mall have probems with crime. And it should be expected to happen around the holiday's. Wehn you get large numbers of people purchasing expensive items it draws in the trash that look for easy targets. To them its easier to steal than to work for their stuff.

I hear of problems in waldorf on a weekly/daily basis, but you also hear about the same sort of problems in DC. But i dont hear of many problems that are centralized at the mall. Most of them happen in neighborhoods, or up closer to the pinefield area.

I go to the mall on a weekly basis and other than the rude people and the wanna be thugs (which have never tried to mess with me) ive never had a problem or seen a problem.


New Member
You people are nuts. Waldorf is bad BECAUSE OF THE PEOPLE COMING FROM PG COUNTY AND DC. It isn't us southern marylanders. I wonder where all the people that use to live in Waldorf moved to, because THEY AREN'T THERE ANYLONGER!!!!!! Do not go to the mall alone day or night~


Big Poppa
You people are nuts. Waldorf is bad BECAUSE OF THE PEOPLE COMING FROM PG COUNTY AND DC. It isn't us southern marylanders. I wonder where all the people that use to live in Waldorf moved to, because THEY AREN'T THERE ANYLONGER!!!!!! Do not go to the mall alone day or night~

Man you are paranoid.


New Member
I don't live in a bubble - and I "mise" as well refer you to the police blotter and take a look for yourself and see... ride around Waldorf and take a look... watch the punk-azz kids and DC plates - stereo's "thumping" with no regard to the person next to you, driving like they are in a hurry to go nowhere with no respect for the people around them.

These are not "claims" - these are facts... the problem is in Calvert and St. Mary's as well, and it will only get worse in time.

The investors do not care about the area - they KNOW the shops WILL do well. New shops WILL attract business and Waldorf is already known for the mall/resteraunts and car dealerships, damn near a mini-Tysons Corner. The difference is we are closer and more convenient to the DC/PG County crowd - I am not saying everyone coming in from those areas are trash, but the majority of the crime committed HERE - in Waldorf is from people from those areas... read the SOMD Headline News on a regular basis.

I am not trying to bust anyones chops here, but these are facts...

Waldorf is filled with narcissistic people... both visiting our mall and living in the area. The face of the county has changed do to piss-poor "planning" by the commisoners and county "planners"... Let's put in more shops and not expand the infrastructure. Their answer - Metro or Lite-Rail! Yeah right, let's make it easier for more trash to come in to the county to terrorize our citizens.

Years ago, before 301 was a parking lot, you NEVER seen or heard of a fraction of the crap that goes on in Waldorf now.

I only go to Waldorf when I have to...

BTW - the ghetto is slowly moving to SMC, it is just a matter of time.

Hilary Duff was right!...........Sorry only joking but with the crap coming from DC and PG ....yes the Mall is a ghetto and yes there are gangs walking around!
Hilary Duff was right!...........Sorry only joking but with the crap coming from DC and PG ....yes the Mall is a ghetto and yes there are gangs walking around!

Yeah - she was right - and she dropped his butt like a bad habit also! :killingme

I could not see what she saw in him anyways...


New Member
I would like to add my opinion on the Mall. first, there are teenagers who run around the mall causing havock, mostly they are in the food court. Second, the mall has changed in the last few years, it is not nor has it ever been SAFE. If you read any of the local news, there always robberies, thefts, rapes in the parking lots and break ins at the mall. They have increased their security but not with real police officers, they are rent-a-cops. They are only there for crowd control and to keep the teenagers at a moveable pace. There have numerous instances where people have been shot walking out of the mall. there have also been numerous instances where people have been jumped in the food court. The halloween parade at the mall is joke. Some stores participate some do not. The stores that participate are over rrun with kids who are young and teenagers who are only there to hang out and to get candy. Gangs are predominate in Charles, St. Mary and Calvert County. The 925 gang has been around for years and MS-13 have been moving to the tri-county area slowly. you just have to open your eyes and remove your rose colored glasses. People have been robbed in the bathrooms with their children with them. It is sad to say but this is reality. crime is increasing every where but if the county government would look into a place for teenagers to go rather than spending money on pay increases for themselves and numerous other projects the counties do not need, then i am sure the crime level would decrease. Just my opinion not a sermon.:lalala:

Very nice post.


New Member
Good Lord.... Some of you people are really sheltered. The Waldorf Mall is nowhere near a classy place BUT it's not the streets of SE like some of you suggest. I was raised in Waldorf and while it's certainly no mecca the chances of you getting robbed or shot are fairly low considering population and the dynamics of the community. The day that I'm afraid to go to the mall by myself is the day I need to carry my ass away to BFE where there's no one else around. With population you get increased crime. If the Waldorf mall sucks its because of lack of decent stores.

Not "if" the Waldorf Mall does suck and it's becuase the Police are scared to after the problem ...........and that is the trash coming from PG county!Hell how many kids do you think go to school in Charles and live in PG?Why do you think Westlake is now called "South Central Westlake"
Like it or not alot of the problem is teenagers BLACK AND WHITE the rest is just trash and the Mall is bringing into Charles county.


New Member
You people are nuts. Waldorf is bad BECAUSE OF THE PEOPLE COMING FROM PG COUNTY AND DC. It isn't us southern marylanders. I wonder where all the people that use to live in Waldorf moved to, because THEY AREN'T THERE ANYLONGER!!!!!! Do not go to the mall alone day or night~

cracking up at this one:killingme