Waldorf the Next PG County....


Super Genius
Warren76 said:
Ummm...there is no more Landover Mall. Only Sears remains at the old Landover Mall site.

I koow PG County has at least one mall - Iverson Mall, which was the first enclosed shopping center (a shopping mall) built in the Washington, D.C. metro area.

Magic Johnson threatres are inculded among "The Boulevard" shopping center which is adjacent to Arena Drive and I-405, on the east side of I-495 Capital Beltway. The old Landover Mall site is located on Landover Road (MD Rt. 202 and I-495), inside of the Capital Beltway.
If you knew all that, why did you say "Just like PG, St. Mary's has a boatload of strip shopping centers, but no mall!"

I tend to not go into that area of PG any more, so I didn't know that Landover Mall was gone. So, you're still wrong by a count of three malls.


New Member
mainman said:
PG also has Forest Village Park mall too, or is that closed as well? :confused:

That's the one I was trying to remember. I think it closed too, but like ylexot, I try to avoid that area.


hwyman3 said:
So, then with PG having at least one mall and Charles having one, I fail to see how in your earlier statement St. Mary's is closer to becoming the next P.G. County than Charles because neither have a shopping mall?

<Fingers snapped> Rats! I forgot those PG malls.
Thus, my original post here is not valid, just like all the posts here of folks saying that Charles County is the next PG County, via their implication that unsavory elements are moving from DC to Charles County. I know for a fact that unsavory elements are also in St. Mary's County. And, those elements are indigenous to St. Mary's County.


mainman said:
PG also has Forest Village Park mall too, or is that closed as well? :confused:

Actually, Forest Village Park Mall has been renovated.
Target has replaced K-Mart, several years ago. Also, an Appleby's has been built on the east side of the mall on Donnell Drive.


Set Trippin
Warren76 said:
Actually, Forest Village Park Mall has been renovated.
Target has replaced K-Mart, several years ago. Also, an Appleby's has been built on the east side of the mall on Donnell Drive.
I drove through there not so long ago and I barely recognized the area...


New Member
Warren76 said:
<Fingers snapped> Rats! I forgot those PG malls.
Thus, my original post here is not valid, just like all the posts here of folks saying that Charles County is the next PG County, via their implication that unsavory elements are moving from DC to Charles County. I know for a fact that unsavory elements are also in St. Mary's County. And, those elements are indigenous to St. Mary's County.

So therefore the unsavory characters in Charles must be native also? After all, why would unsavory characters move from DC to PG and then from PG to Charles?

No one said St. Mary's does not have unsavory characters, every area does. Nor has anyone said St. Mary's is immune. But there is a reason why Charles County has had to build not one but two new detention centers in the past 25 years.


Set Trippin
BuddyLee said:
It's kind of give and take actually, I rode by Penn Mar and didn't recognize half of the stores in the place... However they are tearing all of the old apartments down on Homer ave in Suitland...

oh, and I cannot Say Suitland without saying "A Caring Community"...:yay:


hwyman3 said:
Not only have I ventured out of St. Mary's County, I don't even live in St. Mary's. I have lived in Charles County for the past 34 years (and I have ventured out of Charles for that matter) and have seen first hand what Waldorf has done to Charles County. You may find the congestion of Route 301 a positive, but to me, it's a negative.

I certainly do not find traffic congestion, ANYWHERE, a positive attribute of modern society. Blame should be placed on Waldorf's hotel owners who blocked the ratification of the Rt. 301 bypass.

But I've heard rumors that the bypass is going to be built, anyway. Does anyone have a webpage link stating that the bypass will be built? If yes, please post that link in this thread. Thanks, in advance (TIA).


ylexot said:
If you knew all that, why did you say "Just like PG, St. Mary's has a boatload of strip shopping centers, but no mall!"

I tend to not go into that area of PG any more, so I didn't know that Landover Mall was gone. So, you're still wrong by a count of three malls.

Well, I guess I've attended the Michael Brown (former FEMA Director) School of Lying and Resume Exaggeration. :liar: But anyway, my post baited you in to respond, didn't it? :rolleyes:
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New Member
Warren76 said:
I certainly do not find traffic congestion, ANYWHERE, a positive attribute of modern society. Blame should be placed on Waldorf's hotel owners who blocked the ratification of the Rt. 301 bypass.

But I've heard rumors that the bypass is going to be built, anyway. Does anyone have a webpage link stating that the bypass will be built? If yes, please post that link in this thread. Thanks, in advance (TIA).

The county leaders are still pushing for the bypass, even though it would do nothing to solve Waldorf's traffic problems. As we all know, the bypass would remove the Interstate traffic from 301 through Waldorf, which SHA estimates is 10%. Makes sense when you consider Waldorf traffic is the worst on weekends. If the State brought out the bulldozers today, and began construction today, by the time the bypass is complete, traffic on Route 301 through Waldorf will increase 10%. So even with the bypass, the current traffic situation remains. The better option would have been to push for the flyovers they installed in Clinton and Camp Springs in the early 90's.

Also, it's not just the Hotel owners who are standing in the way of the bypass. The biggest objection has been the US Army Corps of Engineers, who cite too much damage to Mattawoman Creek in construction of another crossing over the creek.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
chrissyhh said:
7th District....
me too!

I work in White Plains, and that is as close to Waldorf as I usually go. If we have to go to the mall, we only go during daylight hours.
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