Waldorf woman in Big Brother house


New Member
Wilona said:
And you know that when the biatch does get kicked out, she will say it's because she is black

Someone ought to call her school and complain about what she said on TV. She should not be a school counselor if she is racist.....


Material Girl
PREMO Member
RadioPatrol said:
Hey now I still live in PG County, abit Fort Washington .... and we have 8 out 14 houses with White Families, one Asian Gentleman, and the rest people of color .......... small neighborhood most folks have been here longer than 15 yrs

only one new: Ex Army, just back from Germany with his German Bride and 4 yr old child ..... 2 other families have been here 2 yrs or more .......

so yeah there are a few of us left ........... :whistle:

Damn. I forgot the :sarcasm: smiley again.

Richard Cranium

New Member
rdkarob said:
Someone ought to call her school and complain about what she said on TV. She should not be a school counselor if she is racist.....

*ding ding* We have a WINNER!

...but you know damn well as I do they can't fire her, or the ACLU and Al Sharpton will sue for compensation and oppression.

Ruthless Babe

New Member
rdkarob said:
I am hoping that the Waldorf woman goes first, she is an idiot for saying she is not use to being around white people. Racist biotch. I already hate the flamer that is for sure.

How is that racist? She grew up in PG (70% Black), went to PG public schools (predominantly Black), graduated from an HBCU (obviously mostly Black), works in a school with over 90% Black students. She is not used to being around white people because she hasn't been around them much. That's not racism it's reality.


New Member
That's pretty funny. because I was watching Big Brother Late or whatever it's called on Showtime 2. She seem like she's cool. I probably won't even watch it but if she wins that would nice.


New Member
I don't think what she said is racist at all. I started the thread because it seemed odd to me that you could grow up in Waldorf or Temple Hills and never be exposed to white people. This is something that the exec producer keeps pushing in her interviews too -- she keeps saying not only that this woman has never really been around white people, but that she's from "a part of Maryland" where she hasn't. Which just seemed odd to me (to peg it on the region).

I agree that she seems cool.
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nachomama said:
She doesn't teach in Waldorf. She teaches at Benjamin Stoddert in Temple Hills. She LIVES in Waldorf.

This was my old "Junior High School". Guess they call it middle school now, but when I was there many years ago, I was one of the few white kids, so I do believe that now it is mostly African American.


Football Mom!!!
rdkarob said:
Someone ought to call her school and complain about what she said on TV. She should not be a school counselor if she is racist.....

I didn't read that she was racist...she said that she was not used to being around black people.


Football Mom!!!
Wilona said:
And you know that when the biatch does get kicked out, she will say it's because she is black
You call her out her name simply because she hasn't been around a bunch of white people? Help me understand that...........


New Member
maxima87 said:
You call her out her name simply because she hasn't been around a bunch of white people? Help me understand that...........

She is full of $hit,,She is just racist and didn't go around any white people, which is funny, because they all want what the white people have. Thats why they go to all white areas, schools, neighborhoods, "HERE", because they don't want to stay around their HOMIES. AND WHEN she gets kicked out, she will throw out the race card and start some crap, just like that ##### on apprentice Ima-HO-sa. She is doing all this for tv time.


Football Mom!!!
Wilona said:
She is full of $hit,,She is just racist and didn't go around any white people, which is funny, because they all want what the white people have. Thats why they go to all white areas, schools, neighborhoods, "HERE", because they don't want to stay around their HOMIES. AND WHEN she gets kicked out, she will throw out the race card and start some crap, just like that ##### on apprentice Ima-HO-sa. She is doing all this for tv time.
Think about what you said and I will leave it alone. If there is a crowd of about thirty or so black people--would you just walk up an make casual conversation? Flip that situation for her and see what you get. Not every black person uses the race card, just like not every white person is racist.


Support Our Troops!
I noticed last night when i was watching that for someone who hasn't been around "white" people she sure did look very comfortable with them! I don't know her so I'm not gonna judge what she is saying but come on, for her to say she has almost no contact with "white" people is just a little over the top. Unless she was just completely sheltered as a child. And look at all the TV shows that she watches most of them have mostly just "white" people in them. So she has been "exposed" even if it's not in person! JMO.


Wilona said:
She is full of $hit,,She is just racist and didn't go around any white people, which is funny, because they all want what the white people have. Thats why they go to all white areas, schools, neighborhoods, "HERE", because they don't want to stay around their HOMIES. AND WHEN she gets kicked out, she will throw out the race card and start some crap, just like that ##### on apprentice Ima-HO-sa. She is doing all this for tv time.

Apples and oranges, Armarosa (sp?) got busted lying about everything to cover her azz when she really screwed up on the last challenge of The Apprentice and then cried crockadille tears and blamed the race card. Here from what I've seen Jameka (sp?) seem's cool. I too watch the Big Brother after hours on ShowTime at midnight-3 am (tivoing now after staying up all night watching it :nerd:) :lol: and she seems nice. She sounds to me like she was just being honest. From watching the show now for 4 hours of it, she just seems real and not fake. She tell's it like it is - or the way she see's it. Kudo's for her! :clap: Her and a white chick on there last night hit it off very well. Neither of them were into the skimpy bikini, flirting with everyone for alliances - it was too shallow for both of them so they stayed in the kitchen most the night cooking and talking and with all their clothes on ... I can't blame them...I'd be in the kitchen with them. Alliance's are about judging people's character and they are confident in their character. :yay: So far she's my favorite and she's a local girl, I'm rooting for her... oh yeah... and also from reading everyone's profile (cbs.com - bigbrother link)... she listed Washinton Redskins as her only favorite sports team. That right there sealed it for me. :lol: Go local girl!!! :clap:


I wanna be a SMIB
sockgirl77 said:
Pasta, pizza, bagels with cream cheese, cookies and cream ice cream, soups, steak, shrimp, fries, baked potatoes, salad with tomatoes, king crab legs

Nope. She's not originally from Waldork. She lists king crab legs. If she was really from there she would proudly list blue crabs. :yay:

That food list looks like something from the BB application. List your top 10 fav foods. She put those on the list cause who wants chitlins and pig feet. She would be voted off if those were listed.


New Member
maxima87 said:
Think about what you said and I will leave it alone. If there is a crowd of about thirty or so black people--would you just walk up an make casual conversation? Flip that situation for her and see what you get. Not every black person uses the race card, just like not every white person is racist.

I will tell you this, that if a white person said they are not use to being around black people, the NAACP would have called the show, rallied to get that person off the show.....ALWAYS DOUBLE STANDARD WITH THIS ISSUE...PERIOD!