I just went through this for three large rooms and a hallway. Steamer didnt work. Finally had a professional come by. After removing the top layer of the wallpaper by just peeling it off, he used a garden sprayer full of warm water, sprayed down the wall really well and then stuck that cheap plastic tarp from Lowes (actually looks like a gigantic sheet of Saran Wrap) over the sprayed paper, it clings by itself. Left it on overnight and in the morning the paper on the walls just fell off. If you are in a hurry, mixing fabric softener with hot water in a spray bottle works well too. Vinegar does damage to the wall underneath and you can see the drops even when painting with three coats and a primer (as in my case), the drywall hadnt been prepared well by the original builder who then slapped wallpaper over it. Since you have paneling underneath, I would hesitate on the vinegar as well, even though it does a great job removing the glue and paper.