You slammed her pretty hard about her supposed...okay, admitted...lack of caring, and that's your rejoinder to her response? You know who else doesn't care about junkies and homeless people? Me, that's who.
I don't give a damn, and I used to run that junk up my arm, Chris. Oh, yeah, Hep B? Had that too. There's plenty of help available if you want help in this country. I did, and it worked for me. I got off the street, sobered up, got off the drugs, went to college and got a degree, raised a family, and all kinds of good stuff. I've lived a pretty good life, all-in-all. I made some really bad choices, got sick and tired of being sick and tired, made some good choices, got some help, and here I am, nearing a relatively comfortable retirement. The bad choices still have an impact, even after all these years, but we play the hands we're dealt.
If they don't want to get off the #### and get their lives straight, I don't care if they live or die.