Want to feel really violated?



bedazzle said:
It even gets worse --- after you find the address of your intended you can go to http://sdatcert3.resiusa.org/rp_rewrite/ and find out what they paid for their house, how big it is, when they moved there, who they bought it from, and who they might own it with. Way too much info out there for someone who might be up to no good.
Do you know it also shows an aerial view of the location of your home? So anyone can find out exactly where you live. That's very scary!


Enjoying life!
All the information on the site is publicly available. Phone numbers, addresses, bankruptcies, liens, mortgages, etc. It has ALWAYS been available in public record halls. It's just more easily obtained today with the Internet, by anyone, which is a problem. But cons will always be able to get the info they need regardless of how long it takes. Bottom line is still the same: never give out your SSN or CC numbers unless you know the person/site is legitimate.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Sharon said:
Love me - love my feathers. :razz:
I do. :huggy: I still have them floating around in my car and house. :lol:

When I put my name, it came up 4 times - twice at my old house and twice at the new. I'm sure there's lots of info floating out there about me based on telephone listings, mortgages, etc. :shrug: