War On Drugs




It is not illegal to grow plants under a light in your home but it is illegal to lie on an affidavit and plant drugs on a citizen. This operation was the first of its kind in the history of America. Police sometimes have other police investigating their crimes but the American court system has never dealt with a group of citizens stinging the police. Will the police file charges on the team who took down the corrupt cops? We will keep you posted.

Yeah your power company colludes with the cops ... if your using more power than "They" think you should be .....

I wonder what they think of me and all the computers I have running :whistle:

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Sad, sad, sad that our criminal justice system has sunk so low that they would do anything to secure an arrest! No wonder people are losing faith in the police.
All the good cops out there ought to be up in arms over this type of crap!