Warning ticket


New Member
Last Thursday morning on the way to work I was stopped by a St. Mary's county deputy for a burned out headlight. He was very polite and only gave me a warning and not an inspection ticket.

At the bottom of the warning is a statement.... Officer Observations: Include additional descriptors, associate (name, address, DOB), type of area, attitude, and additional reason for stop. He entered this in the lines below.

X-1, CCN:5333-09

Anyone know what the codes mean? Hope it isn't anything I have to worry about. I doubt it as I was as respectful to him as he was to me.

BTW, one of my childhood friends is now a state highway patrol in another state and he tells me a traffic stop in the dark is a very scary thing. His advice is to roll down your window, turn on interior lights, place your hands on the steering wheel and don't rummage around looking for title and registration. Just wait until he approaches the car and addresses you. Works for me.



Well-Known Member
Last Thursday morning on the way to work I was stopped by a St. Mary's county deputy for a burned out headlight. He was very polite and only gave me a warning and not an inspection ticket.

At the bottom of the warning is a statement.... Officer Observations: Include additional descriptors, associate (name, address, DOB), type of area, attitude, and additional reason for stop. He entered this in the lines below.

X-1, CCN:5333-09

Anyone know what the codes mean? Hope it isn't anything I have to worry about. I doubt it as I was as respectful to him as he was to me.

BTW, one of my childhood friends is now a state highway patrol in another state and he tells me a traffic stop in the dark is a very scary thing. His advice is to roll down your window, turn on interior lights, place your hands on the steering wheel and don't rummage around looking for title and registration. Just wait until he approaches the car and addresses you. Works for me.


CCN is the criminal citation number. X-1 ??? If you have questions, call and ask.


New Member
Thats the case number for the traffic stop, it has all the info on there incase they need to pull up the event.


Stop Staring!!!!!
Last Thursday morning on the way to work I was stopped by a St. Mary's county deputy for a burned out headlight. He was very polite and only gave me a warning and not an inspection ticket.

At the bottom of the warning is a statement.... Officer Observations: Include additional descriptors, associate (name, address, DOB), type of area, attitude, and additional reason for stop. He entered this in the lines below.

X-1, CCN:5333-09

Anyone know what the codes mean? Hope it isn't anything I have to worry about. I doubt it as I was as respectful to him as he was to me.

BTW, one of my childhood friends is now a state highway patrol in another state and he tells me a traffic stop in the dark is a very scary thing. His advice is to roll down your window, turn on interior lights, place your hands on the steering wheel and don't rummage around looking for title and registration. Just wait until he approaches the car and addresses you. Works for me.


Don't quote me on this. I think the X-1 simply is code for how that handled the stop. I don't pay much attention to wht the X #s mean but that one probably does mean something akin to "Written Warning issued."

I hear them read off X Codes allot. I know I have heard X-5


In My Opinion
maybe it has to do with race of the driver for statisical purposes.
are you by chance black? if thats what it is, x-1 could mean that the driver was black, and then the rest being the citation number so they could do a study on the number of tickets/warnings given per race group.