Loyalty, Friendship, Love
This was in my email this morning. It's been forwarded a few times, I don't know who the original source of it is, but since it concerns this area I figured I'd share. If it's bogus, well it can't hurt to keep your eyes open. If it's true I'm sure someone on here can confirm that, especially if there was a police report.
On Saturday my cousin's daughter and friend were approached by a white van outside their home in North Beach. The older man asked the children if the had seen his dog. Just then their fathers who were standing just on the other side of the door stepped out. The man quickly changed his story, never mentioning the dog and drove off quickly. They got the tags numbers but there were no letters in the tags so they could not trace it. The tags could be fake. They were handicap tags. She made a report with Calvert County police and they are on the look out.