

Loyalty, Friendship, Love
This was in my email this morning. It's been forwarded a few times, I don't know who the original source of it is, but since it concerns this area I figured I'd share. If it's bogus, well it can't hurt to keep your eyes open. If it's true I'm sure someone on here can confirm that, especially if there was a police report.

On Saturday my cousin's daughter and friend were approached by a white van outside their home in North Beach. The older man asked the children if the had seen his dog. Just then their fathers who were standing just on the other side of the door stepped out. The man quickly changed his story, never mentioning the dog and drove off quickly. They got the tags numbers but there were no letters in the tags so they could not trace it. The tags could be fake. They were handicap tags. She made a report with Calvert County police and they are on the look out.


Dymphna said:
This was in my email this morning. It's been forwarded a few times, I don't know who the original source of it is, but since it concerns this area I figured I'd share. If it's bogus, well it can't hurt to keep your eyes open. If it's true I'm sure someone on here can confirm that, especially if there was a police report.

They got the tags numbers but there were no letters in the tags so they could not trace it. The tags could be fake. They were handicap tags.

if they were handicap tags andor they didn't have any letters the tag is still tracable... i think the tard just didn't get the numbers right... I really doubt some sexual preditor has fake tags... sounds fake...

but if not, who wants to go huntin in North Beach?
Dymphna said:
This was in my email this morning. It's been forwarded a few times, I don't know who the original source of it is, but since it concerns this area I figured I'd share. If it's bogus, well it can't hurt to keep your eyes open. If it's true I'm sure someone on here can confirm that, especially if there was a police report.

I got the same email yesterday. Not sure of the validity of it.


Material Girl
PREMO Member
I just got this from my homeowner's association.

Hejl, Thomas C. [mailto:hejltc@co.cal.md.us]
Monday, March 26, 2007 8:48 AM
To: Kelley, Linda L.
Subject: Man in Van

Linda. . . . I received several e-mails concerning this as well and last week directed CIT to investigate further. It seems that the information originally "heard" has taken on a life of it's own and is not actually correct. In speaking with the parents it was discovered that the man in the van did in fact ask the children had they seen his dog and then the man also spoke with an male adult from the house. The person in the van actually indicated where he lived and we are running that down as well. The individuals at the house are embarrassed this has gotten out of hand and taken on a life of it's own. We are also going to have someone from CIT go to Windy Hill Elem School and notify the administration there of what we have discovered since we think the original e-mail went to numerous parents of children at the school.

A good thing from all this is that at least people are watching and listening and if we did have a problem it could be extremely beneficial.



Well-Known Member
It sounds like whoever is sending out these emails is pretending to be a repressed memory giver.


In My Opinion
ON the other hand, there has been a white van stopping at bus stops in anne arundle county from annapolis through edgewater and into davidsonville for the last few weeks.
so far nobody has been caught.

one of my sales people were working in a neighborhood in edgewater (south river colony) and we did get a call from the police about what we were doing there.
seems somebody got our vans tag and reported it. the police took it seriously enough to call and find out what we were doing.

dont discount the childrens concerns.


Material Girl
PREMO Member
Even if it is a hoax, it's good that people have their awareness raised. I think Hejl is with the sheriff's department, Linda Kelly is a county commissioner.


In My Opinion
Kain99 said:
How come all bad guys, drive white vans?
makes sense to me.
the most popular color of vans on the road is white.
wouldnt you want something that looked like the majority of other cars to do your deeds in?

face it, if they were driving the Willie Nelson tour bus it would take what, like 2 minutes to catch them?


Go Braves!
bcp said:
makes sense to me.
the most popular color of vans on the road is white.
wouldnt you want something that looked like the majority of other cars to do your deeds in?

face it, if they were driving the Willie Nelson tour bus it would take what, like 2 minutes to catch them?
Why you gotta pick Willie Nelson?


New Member
THis email is not real. Mike Evans sent an email out to everyone who contacted him. The man did not change his story but talked to the father who came over. The father and child even took down the mans information in case they found the dog.