Warren Cites Hitler Youth as Model For Christians


Habari Na Mijeldi
PEEK | AlterNet

"On April 17, 2005, at the southern California Anaheim Angels sports stadium thirty thousand Saddleback Church members, more than ever gathered in one spot, assembled to celebrate Saddleback's 25th anniversary and listened as Rick Warren announced his vision for the next 25 years of the church: the P.E.A.C.E. Plan.

Towards the close of his nearly one hour speech, Pastor Warren asked his followers to be as committed to Jesus as the young Nazi men and women who spelled out in mass formation with their bodies the words "Hitler, we are yours," in 1939 at the Munich Stadium, were committed to the Fuhrer of the Third Reich, a major instigator of a World War that claimed 55 million lives.

Rick Warren has exhorted Christians towards Nazi-like dedication in at least several public speeches and also during a one hour video recording of a talk by Warren, explaining his P.E.A.C.E. Plan.

During his Anaheim stadium speech Warren, sometimes called 'pastor Rick' talked about a number of visions and communications he had received from God. By calling on his church members to follow Jesus with the fanatical dedication with which the Nazis, or Hitler Youth, gave to Adolf Hitler, Rick Warren appeared to be in effect asking his Saddleback members to be fanatically dedicated to Warren's own leadership, given his role in divining God's intent for the Saddleback church flock. During his speech, Rick Warren also explained that God had personally instructed him to seek, for the good of the world, more influence, power and fame."


Lem Putt
Talk about coincidence's.....

Obama wants his own military, stronger than the regular military. In brown uniforms.

Who remembers what NAZI stands for? I'll give you a clue - the important part isn't "capitalism."


PEEK | AlterNet

"On April 17, 2005, at the southern California Anaheim Angels sports stadium thirty thousand Saddleback Church members, more than ever gathered in one spot, assembled to celebrate Saddleback's 25th anniversary and listened as Rick Warren announced his vision for the next 25 years of the church: the P.E.A.C.E. Plan.

Towards the close of his nearly one hour speech, Pastor Warren asked his followers to be as committed to Jesus as the young Nazi men and women who spelled out in mass formation with their bodies the words "Hitler, we are yours," in 1939 at the Munich Stadium, were committed to the Fuhrer of the Third Reich, a major instigator of a World War that claimed 55 million lives.

Rick Warren has exhorted Christians towards Nazi-like dedication in at least several public speeches and also during a one hour video recording of a talk by Warren, explaining his P.E.A.C.E. Plan.

During his Anaheim stadium speech Warren, sometimes called 'pastor Rick' talked about a number of visions and communications he had received from God. By calling on his church members to follow Jesus with the fanatical dedication with which the Nazis, or Hitler Youth, gave to Adolf Hitler, Rick Warren appeared to be in effect asking his Saddleback members to be fanatically dedicated to Warren's own leadership, given his role in divining God's intent for the Saddleback church flock. During his speech, Rick Warren also explained that God had personally instructed him to seek, for the good of the world, more influence, power and fame."

First of all what is "at least several"?

Secondly, nonno... :gossip: don't tell anyone but this is code for "Follow Hitler, my little Nazis....

Folllllloooooooowwwwwww.................... HHHHHHiiiiitttttttlllllleeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.........................."

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New Member
First of all what is "at least several"?

Secondly, nonno... :gossip: don't tell anyone but this is code for "Follow Hitler, my little Nazis....

Folllllloooooooowwwwwww.................... HHHHHHiiiiitttttttlllllleeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.........................."


He gets this stuff from Blogs and cites is as a news story, as if the blogger is scoop the journalist and not a left wing zealot.....:killingme


New Member
BHO is in many ways another Hitler he has gift of gab to mesmerise the masses who don't keep up their guard. The Obama Jugend is a model of the Hitler Jugend, where the members were told to turn in their parents if they didn't accept the Party line 100%. Ask Pope Benedict.
Plus BHO is a member of the American Nazi Party. Nazi was short for NSDAP. Auf Deutsch: NationalSocialistDemocratArbeiterPartei, Now in US it stands for NationalSocialistDemocractAbortionParty.
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He gets this stuff from Blogs and cites is as a news story, as if the blogger is scoop the journalist and not a left wing zealot.....:killingme

All I know is Warren is a closet Nazi and BO has asked Warren to pray at his inauguration. That is an obvious alliance between the two to infiltrate Nazism and Fascism into America.


24/7 Single Dad
:lol: when you've got crowds of young Germans cheering Obama it's a wonderful thing, but when you mention the last guy they cheered it's horrible.