Was it a setup?


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I've heard SEVERAL pundits say - weeks ago - heck TYRUS said this weeks ago - that the debate, being held so early - before either is even officially nominated - that this is going to be a referendum on whether or not to KEEP him on the ballot. A few others were a bit more smug - that it was intended to slap Trump around after being convicted in court.

But he was SO BAD -

However - what shocked the hell out of me - was that across the board, the Dems were critical of his performance. They didn't try to sell it as a victory. Well except for Jill, who treated him like a child who came home with their art from art class. Even the NYT - bumbling, fumbling.

On the other hand - something else occurred to me. See, the left wing media was just SO QUICK to bust on him.

They had to be in on it.

It was a setup. Had to be. This was INTENDED to kick him out. They've seen the polls. I think it's possible they thought the trial would seal the deal for them, and when it didn't, they had to come up with SOMETHING to get the hue and cry from the party to switch candidates.

I don't think they have an upside for this - even if they KEEP him, sorry, OTHER Dems running are going to do badly. Heck if they LOSE him, they've got to come up with a reason why Kamala isn't running.


Well-Known Member
I've heard SEVERAL pundits say - weeks ago - heck TYRUS said this weeks ago - that the debate, being held so early - before either is even officially nominated - that this is going to be a referendum on whether or not to KEEP him on the ballot. A few others were a bit more smug - that it was intended to slap Trump around after being convicted in court.

But he was SO BAD -

However - what shocked the hell out of me - was that across the board, the Dems were critical of his performance. They didn't try to sell it as a victory. Well except for Jill, who treated him like a child who came home with their art from art class. Even the NYT - bumbling, fumbling.

On the other hand - something else occurred to me. See, the left wing media was just SO QUICK to bust on him.

They had to be in on it.

It was a setup. Had to be. This was INTENDED to kick him out. They've seen the polls. I think it's possible they thought the trial would seal the deal for them, and when it didn't, they had to come up with SOMETHING to get the hue and cry from the party to switch candidates.

I don't think they have an upside for this - even if they KEEP him, sorry, OTHER Dems running are going to do badly. Heck if they LOSE him, they've got to come up with a reason why Kamala isn't running.
I can't see any scenario where they keep Cackles around. She is not Presidential material. Hell, she's not even vice Presidential material. She reached her Peter Principle with Willie's willie.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I can't see any scenario where they keep Cackles around. She is not Presidential material. Hell, she's not even vice Presidential material. She reached her Peter Principle with Willie's willie.
And - they have a problem with THIS -

One is - they're going to PISS off even the faithful African Americans in this country if they just skip over her.

Last night - after the debate - when the reliably partisan leftie news is all - oh crap what do WE do now (because as *WE* all know, when they say 'we' they mean the Democrats, not the nation) - people like Kamala were saying oh but he finished strong. GAVIN was on there saying, they all have Joe's back and they support him.

I think they are stuck with him.


Well-Known Member
Well : Why would the Democrats set up Joe when they have no replacement.
If you set someone up for a fall it only makes sense to have someone to replace him.
If they have his replacement they have done a good job of keeping it a secret.

The 16 people who spent a week at Camp David coaching Joebama should be suicidal this morning. LMAO


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Californians don't even like Newsome....bring him on
They'd be counting on Democrats tendancy to vote "The D" en'masse.

Very few of them know anything beyond a 30 second snippet they're fed.

"Newsome Good"

"Orangeman Bad"



Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
They're looking at Newsome.

My bet would be Newsome and the Gretch.
COULD be - but only last night he was saying how he's behind Joe 100%.


I'm very much aware of how politicians say stuff. THAT article SURE SOUNDS like, he supports Biden for President, all the way to November.
Should circumstance change - you can BET he will re-purpose that statement to mean something ELSE.

However -

I remember years ago, when McGovern picked Eagleton as his VP - evidently unaware of Eagleton's experience with electro-shock therapy to treat his depression. (Or - perhaps AWARE of it as I will mention in a bit). When challenged on it - he claimed he would back Eagleton " 1000% ". (Only time I can ever remember a politician say a thousand percent). Less than three weeks later, McGovern dumped him.

McGovern went on to lose to Nixon in the one of the biggest landslides in history.

I did however read - Eagleton was no fan of McGovern. He'd been on record - anonymously to most of the press - of criticizing him behind his back, saying how he was for stuff like legalization of pot, amnesty for draft dodgers and abortion - stuff that - in 1972 - would have doomed a Presidential candidate. My gut says McGovern learned of this and decided against him as VP - still doesn't explain the 1000% bit.


Well-Known Member
I've heard SEVERAL pundits say - weeks ago - heck TYRUS said this weeks ago - that the debate, being held so early - before either is even officially nominated - that this is going to be a referendum on whether or not to KEEP him on the ballot. A few others were a bit more smug - that it was intended to slap Trump around after being convicted in court.

But he was SO BAD -

However - what shocked the hell out of me - was that across the board, the Dems were critical of his performance. They didn't try to sell it as a victory. Well except for Jill, who treated him like a child who came home with their art from art class. Even the NYT - bumbling, fumbling.

On the other hand - something else occurred to me. See, the left wing media was just SO QUICK to bust on him.

They had to be in on it.

It was a setup. Had to be. This was INTENDED to kick him out. They've seen the polls. I think it's possible they thought the trial would seal the deal for them, and when it didn't, they had to come up with SOMETHING to get the hue and cry from the party to switch candidates.

I don't think they have an upside for this - even if they KEEP him, sorry, OTHER Dems running are going to do badly. Heck if they LOSE him, they've got to come up with a reason why Kamala isn't running.
I told Hubby most of the Democrats probably turned the debate off after the first couple of questions. Biden was horrible... mumbly... and dead looking. Trump was just spouting one lie after another and fact checkers were nowhere to be found. I'm afraid if the fact checkers had indeed been in Biden's ear, he couldn't have used the information anyway because he was too busy mumbling unintelligible stuff. AND I'm on Biden's side... lol

Here's another problem I have... Harris has got to give up the VP spot. People are not ready for a woman, let alone a non-white woman, as president. Biden needs to find a white male everyone can accept as a VP. Now my Dem Hubby says Harris did a good job as VP... and I do agree... but Biden looks like he's on death's door and Harris would be the next "man" standing! After the mess I saw last night... It is indeed an issue. And I like the guy... lol

I will not vote for Trump... I will write my name in instead on the Primary Ballot next month. I'm Independent anyway... No one is counting my vote yet.

Democrats... straighten out your ticket... you need a respected rich white man to be VP in order to beat Trump. AND for crying out loud get Biden a makeup person!!!! Give Biden some color... No one wants a corpse P and black VP... not even the never-trumpers.

Republicans... have Trump make up a bunch more lies since no one is going to be fact checking him. People will apparently buy anything he says... oh, and please encourage Trump to bring on the black guy for VP... so, he can trapse his Uncle Tom self around the south making black votes acceptable. Most men would vote for a black VP before they would vote for a woman VP.

OH man this is the worst election cycle I have ever witnessed. Ugh....

It was a horrible debate.... and yes, I watched all of it... and I saw Biden get better... but not good enough to cover for that woman on his ticket. He's not as young as he was in 2020.

Turning Point.... Lou Dobbs.... get the church out of politics... We do not combine church and state in the United States of America. I see Turning Point [WAVA radio] all over this election cycle. The church has no place in this. Take that money you are feeding Trump and give it to the poor as Christ instructed! Stop giving Herad the money collected for the poor.



Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Trump was just spouting one lie after another and fact checkers were nowhere to be found.

Well, if you really believe that I'm sure you can give him a pass after the last eight years of Democrat WHoppers America has had to deal with.

Russia Collusion Hoax
Hands Up, Don’t Shoot Hoax
Jussie Smollett Hoax
Covington KKKids Hoax
Very Fine People Hoax
Seven-Hour Gap Hoax
Russian Bounties Hoax
Trump Trashes Troops Hoax
Policemen Killed at Mostly Peaceful January 6 Protest Hoax
Rittenhouse Hoax
Eating While Black Hoax
Border Agents Whipping Illegals Hoax
NASCAR Noose Hoax
The Georgia Jim Crow 2.0 Hoax
Trump Assaulted Secret Service Agents and Grabbed Steering Wheel of Beast Hoax
MAGA Assaulted Paul Pelosi Hoax
COVID Lab Leak Theory Is Racist Hoax
Hunter Biden’s Laptop Is Russian Disinformation Hoax
Joe Biden Will Never Ban Gas Stoves Hoax
COVID Deaths are Over-Counted Is a Conspiracy Theory Hoax
Mass Graves of Native Children in Canada Hoax
The Trump Killed All the Fish Hoax
Trump Told People to Drink Bleach Hoax
Hamas Hospital Hoax
If Reelected, Trump Will Execute People Hoax
The 900,000 Kids Hospitalized with Coronavirus Hoax
Dozens of Environmental Hoaxes
The Alfa Bank Hoax
Libs of TikTok Murdered Non-Binary Teen Hoax
The Aaron Rodgers Sandy Hook-Truther Hoax
The ‘Bloodbath’ Hoax
The Don’t Believe Your Lyin’ Eyes Biden Is Fine Hoax

Just sayin... :sshrug:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Turning Point.... Lou Dobbs.... get the church out of politics... We do not combine church and state in the United States of America.
Really? What we don't do is tell you what church will be your church. Most Presidents have been sworn in using the bible, Congress starts the day with a prayer, and the SCOTUS has the Ten Commandments adorning the court.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I've got a tender spot when it comes to "lies". To be perfectly accurate - a lie is only a lie if you KNOW what the truth is, and say something else in order to deceive.

There's also other kinds of lies - you know, the kinds I've said here a THOUSAND/MILLION/BILLION times - and that is exaggeration. Trump is guilty of that a lot, but it's not malicious. Saying you created the best job market for African Americans MIGHT possibly be measure objectively - but saying best ever is just exaggeration. Also saying Joe and Kamala are the worst ever is hyperbole - and also subjective.

There's untruths - saying things like, we lost by five points when you lost by six - that just means your data is wrong. You probably didn't intend to lie.

Biden said TONS of things last night not even approaching the truth - but I suspect he honestly believes them to be true. Which to me is MUCH worse than lying because it means his brain isn't even connected to reality. Believing the border is BETTER than Trump's. Outright falsehoods about unemployment when he took office.

And he mentioned several things 100% disproved because even Trump's detractors in the press admit - yep - we were wrong about that.

Very Fine People (even SNOPES says, nope, we were wrong).
Bleach. Suckers and Losers. This is where I fault him. I'm pretty sure his mind isn't so far gone he hasn't been told, Joe, that's not true.


I've heard SEVERAL pundits say - weeks ago - heck TYRUS said this weeks ago - that the debate, being held so early - before either is even officially nominated - that this is going to be a referendum on whether or not to KEEP him on the ballot. A few others were a bit more smug - that it was intended to slap Trump around after being convicted in court.

But he was SO BAD -

On a positive note, Biden has already forgotten how much of a shitshow it was.

Indeed, he's already forgotten there was a debate at all.