Was OSU coach Mike Gundy wrong to lash a female reporter?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
That was a horrible...

....tirade. Horrible.

Needs to watch some old wrestling videos or listen to Earl Weaver losing his mind to see how it's done.

Terrible performance.


Nothing to see here
Larry Gude said:
....tirade. Horrible.

Needs to watch some old wrestling videos or listen to Earl Weaver losing his mind to see how it's done.

Terrible performance.

I don't get your humor


Nothing to see here
Other than the above..I love it, sports writers are frustrated neverwas, neverwillbe athletes..they don't get it and feel they can say what they want. Gundy was light, he could have gone way further. "A" for performance, no matter what the esteemed Mr Gude says.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
Terrible performance.
I agree. How's he going to prepare that ##### for boot camp with a lamer screamfest like that?

I heard it on the radio this afternoon and was like, puh...piker.


Well-Known Member
Good on him!

Current day media, anything for a story and subsequent reaction... This incidence is at the college level, but just another notch in the so called reporting of the day!

Can you say sensationalism... Sure you can , to bad I can't spell it!

Larry Gude

Strung Out

vraiblonde said:
I agree. How's he going to prepare that ##### for boot camp with a lamer screamfest like that?

I heard it on the radio this afternoon and was like, puh...piker.

...explain my point to otter. :lmao:


They of course were discussing it on sports radio yesterday. On Fox Sports the consensus was that he was in the wrong because the reporter was a woman and she was sitting in the second row. The deal breaker for them was when he said "you obviously don't have any children" and that a division 1 athlete needs to be able to deal with criticism.

My point is that a big time sports reporter also needs to deal with criticism, especially when they go after a kid personally. Her being a woman doesn't make her words on paper any different so she gets no quarter when she goes too far.


Old Prospector
i'm torn. she has the right to peddle her junk. he has the right to criticize it. however in this case i think calling her out publicly like that was the wrong way to do it. handle this quietly, and no one knows who jenni carlson is. now, she's a national name, and she responded with another column where she says he wont tell her which parts of her article were inaccurate because now he "doesn't want to talk about it". it's an ongoing public pissing match and i think gundy is now seeing he went about handling the situation the wrong way. i don't think he regrets it, but i think he may have done it differently if he had the chance.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The kid, if he has pro ambitions, needs to get used to media criticism.

The reporter, if she wants to further her career, needs to get used to being blasted by her story subjects.

On the radio, the chick that was giving the news editorial seemed very upset that the coach would yell at a *woman* reporter. I found that offensive as hell.


Hail to the Redskins!
If you've read the article then you know it was much more a personal attack on the college athlete than a criticism of his play. The article was mainly about how Reid didnt play in the game because he is a mama's boy and a baby, exaggerates his injuries, and is too nervous. First of all, I'd like this biotch to show me an athlete who does not get "sweaty palms" and "butterflies" before a game. There is nothing wrong with that. I dont know Jenni Carlson's background, but I highly doubt she has much medical experience. For her to claim that this young athlete has had many injuries that he could be "gutting out" is just ridiculous. And for her to question his relationship with his mother is absolutely uncalled for and inappropriate.

Had Ms. Carlson written an article about Reid's athletic abilities and faults it would be a completely different story, but instead she made tactless personal attacks. Reid may be a division 1 athlete, but hes also just a college student. He is not a professional, and does not deserve to be portrayed so negatively in the press. I think that Jenni Carlson absolutely deserved the berating Coach Gundy gave her. Yea, its a little bit funny to watch his outburst but I think everything he said was completely warranted.


New Member
Mike Gundy came out of this looking like an idiot and an amateur. If he wants to take issue with something someone wrote about his player, that's fine. But do it with class, dignity, and professionalism. Yelling his idiot head off at a reporter only makes him look like a fool with anger management issues. Even more so because he can't point out the parts of the story he considers incorrect.

All his ranting about kids was BS as well. The "kid" in the story is 21 years old. Sorry coach...but "kid" doesn't apply anymore. If the "kid" wants to play bigtime college football, he's going to be open for criticism if he can't perform. Especially if he's going to school for free on a scholarship.

Gundy's a great example for the "kids" on his team to look up to. Yep...that's exactly how you handle criticism and disagreements...you have an overblown temper tantrum. In the process he makes this problem the player's having a national headline...instead of just the local story it was to begin with.

Nice going.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
If this is...


...the article in question, then Gundy's days as ahead coach are in jeopardy.
He's got problems, least of which is lame media blow ups.

There's nothing in that story to get angry about, let alone that pitiful tirade.

Much ado...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I think you...

Mrgaritavill said:
If you've read the article then you know it was much more a personal attack on the college athlete than a criticism of his play. The article was mainly about how Reid didnt play in the game because he is a mama's boy and a baby, exaggerates his injuries, and is too nervous. First of all, I'd like this biotch to show me an athlete who does not get "sweaty palms" and "butterflies" before a game. There is nothing wrong with that. I dont know Jenni Carlson's background, but I highly doubt she has much medical experience. For her to claim that this young athlete has had many injuries that he could be "gutting out" is just ridiculous. And for her to question his relationship with his mother is absolutely uncalled for and inappropriate.

Had Ms. Carlson written an article about Reid's athletic abilities and faults it would be a completely different story, but instead she made tactless personal attacks. Reid may be a division 1 athlete, but hes also just a college student. He is not a professional, and does not deserve to be portrayed so negatively in the press. I think that Jenni Carlson absolutely deserved the berating Coach Gundy gave her. Yea, its a little bit funny to watch his outburst but I think everything he said was completely warranted.

...are making more of it that what is there.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Kerad said:
Yelling his idiot head off at a reporter only makes him look like a fool with anger management issues.
Did you play football in high school or college? Because I thought ALL football coaches yelled their heads off and was unaware that they even knew how to speak in a normal tone of voice.

I have no problem with him ripping that reporter a new one. She's a big girl and she can either play with the big boys or she can't. I can't stand chick sports reporters, anyway - I think they should marry the quarterback and bake cookies.