Washington Post



J.South said:
From what I know Guatemala was a negotiated peace accord and In 1998, Colombian President Andres Pastrana granted FARC a 42,000 square kilometer safe haven which was the FARC condition for beginning peace talks. The peace process with the government continued at a slow pace for three years during which the BBC and other news organizations reported that FARC also used the safe haven to import arms, export drugs, recruit minors, and build up their military. After a series of high-profile actions, including the kidnapping of a Colombian presidential candidate, Ingrid Betancourt (who was traveling in guerrilla territory), Pastrana ended the peace talks in February 2002 and ordered Colombian forces to start retaking the FARC-controlled zone.

How about Nicaragua?


New Member
Bruzilla said:
Ahhhhh... what about US actions during the Greek Civil War from 1947 to 1949? How about counter-insurgency operations in Central America during the 1980s? How about numerous campaign efforts during WWI and WWII? I hate to say it, but you're painting yourself as just another of those mis-informed folks who think military history started with Vietnam.

What is true is that we don't win these types of military actions when we try to fight a political battle in parallel. We won in Greece because we knew where the bad guys were and we went in and killed them. We could have won in Vietnam by doing the same thing, just as we could gain control of Iraq. Unfortunately, Bush seems too afraid of world opinion and criticisim from the Dems.

We would have won(officially) in Vietnam if the famous Ted Kennedy hadn't managed to get the funding for the war cut... As a result our troops suffered from lack of supplies and we ended up having to fall back again... Thanks fat Teddy...