Washtimes or Washpost?


Well-Known Member
fishinfool said:
I like the Post. It seems to be less opinionated and tell both sides of a story. The Times is to politicaly conservative.
You mean both sides of the story from a left leaning point of view.


New Member
The choice between the Washington Post and the Washington Times is like the choice between a thoroughbred and a mule...It's the Post for me; I don't buy papers from cult leaders.

If you want a conservative outlook on things, get the Wall Street Journal, which has journalistic integrity. The Times just doesn't.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Which makes no sense...

willie said:
Newsprint is by far the best for washing windows.

...but damn if it doesn't work GREAT. First time I tried it I expected to get ink stain all over the place.