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Dancing Up A Storm
Some body left you out in left field way too long, ST...

Originally posted by SmallTown
And you people wonder why a guy who was getting his rocks off in the oval office had a better job approval rating than our current leader.

:rolleyes: You say this as if it was a proud moment in the history of our nations highest office.

The fact that Slick Willie was able to lie to his constituents, his cabinet, his wife, to the American people on live television, to a Federal Grand jury, and this is a man you brag about - having a higher popularity- in the polls, than our current president?!?!

Man, your ideals have been skewed(and screwed) to the far left!


Attire Monitor
Re: Some body left you out in left field way too long, ST...

Originally posted by penncam
:rolleyes: You say this as if it was a proud moment in the history of our nations highest office.

The fact that Slick Willie was able to lie to his constituents, his cabinet, his wife, to the American people on live television, to a Federal Grand jury, and this is a man you brag about - having a higher popularity- in the polls, than our current president?!?!

Man, your ideals have been skewed(and screwed) to the far left!

I wouldn't dig too deeply.
His comment was more symptomatic of someone who's losing the argument than anything else.


Football season!
Re: Some body left you out in left field way too long, ST...

Originally posted by penncam
:rolleyes: You say this as if it was a proud moment in the history of our nations highest office.

The fact that Slick Willie was able to lie to his constituents, his cabinet, his wife, to the American people on live television, to a Federal Grand jury, and this is a man you brag about - having a higher popularity- in the polls, than our current president?!?!

Man, your ideals have been skewed(and screwed) to the far left!

Thanks for taking the bait.

I don't support all the crap that Clinton did. But you have to ask yourself why a man who did everything you just described had a higher job approval rating than your wonderful Bushy.
No, I don't take pride in it, and I would hope Bush would do something to up his status because it is embarassing. But so far, he keeps going in the wrong direction.

Interesting how the two countries most eager to go to war have leaders with such low approval ratings, yet a country such as france has a leader with a VERY high approval rating. Imagine that, a leader doing what his people would like him to do.


Attire Monitor
Re: Re: Some body left you out in left field way too long, ST...

Originally posted by SmallTown
Thanks for taking the bait.

I don't support all the crap that Clinton did. But you have to ask yourself why a man who did everything you just described had a higher job approval rating than your wonderful Bushy.
No, I don't take pride in it, and I would hope Bush would do something to up his status because it is embarassing. But so far, he keeps going in the wrong direction.

Interesting how the two countries most eager to go to war have leaders with such low approval ratings, yet a country such as france has a leader with a VERY high approval rating. Imagine that, a leader doing what his people would like him to do.

That train of thought has most definitely derailed.
Disjointed mishmash of stilted logic (or lack thereof).
Clinton's approval rating was better than Bush's...therefore we shouldn't go to war.
Oh...and Clinton faced all of those TOUGH trials in HIS presidency?
Seemed his toughest decisions were personal and legal.
He wasn't faced with the potential annihlation of thousands of people.'s very common for a President to see a slight downward trend in "popularity trends" in a pre-war situation. Natural progression has those numbers spiking upward AFTER we go to war and people start to offer their support.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Re: Re: Some body left you out in left field way too long, ST...

Originally posted by SmallTown
Thanks for taking the bait.

I don't support all the crap that Clinton did. But you have to ask yourself why a man who did everything you just described had a higher job approval rating than your wonderful Bushy.
No, I don't take pride in it, and I would hope Bush would do something to up his status because it is embarassing. But so far, he keeps going in the wrong direction.

Interesting how the two countries most eager to go to war have leaders with such low approval ratings, yet a country such as france has a leader with a VERY high approval rating. Imagine that, a leader doing what his people would like him to do.
Eager to go to war? 12 years of having our pilots dodge Iraqi ground fire, 12 years of non-compliance with UN resolutions, 12 years of financing terrorists, 12 years to rebuild his forces, 12 years to develop WMD, yeah, we’re about 12 years eager.

France, give me a break. They are after their own interests. It’s the oil and it’s their weapons deals that concern the French government. As to the people that support their government, they are clueless. Aren’t these the people that perfected :thewave: in every war they have been in.


Dancing Up A Storm
Re: Re: Re: Some body left you out in left field way too long, ST...

Originally posted by Ken King
France, give me a break. They are after their own interests. It’s the oil and it’s their weapons deals that concern the French government. As to the people that support their government, they are clueless. Aren’t these the people that perfected :thewave: in every war they have been in.
:biggrin: I saw a quote from a Marine in the Washington Post this
morning: "France? Oh hell yeah! Listen, the French have always been there when they needed us!"


Football season!
Re: Re: Re: Some body left you out in left field way too long, ST...

Originally posted by bknarw
Oh...and Clinton faced all of those TOUGH trials in HIS presidency?
Seemed his toughest decisions were personal and legal.

So, a president who does not have much on the agenda is looked down upon by a president who has a large agenga, and handles it wrong (the explanation for the low approval rating)? So we really shouldn't care what action we take (right or wrong) just as long as we take action??
Interesting information. I'll keep that in mind when I run for office.


Attire Monitor
Re: Re: Re: Re: Some body left you out in left field way too long, ST...

Originally posted by SmallTown
So, a president who does not have much on the agenda is looked down upon by a president who has a large agenga, and handles it wrong (the explanation for the low approval rating)? So we really shouldn't care what action we take (right or wrong) just as long as we take action??
Interesting information. I'll keep that in mind when I run for office.

You really SHOULD run for office. Nothing you say is ever what you really mean at the moment, the only real point you have is the one that you were ABOUT to make, you're a master of SPIN, and your expertise at twisting someone's comments to match your personal agenda are unmatched by even the most skilled of politicians!


Football season!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Some body left you out in left field way too long, ST...

Originally posted by bknarw
You really SHOULD run for office. Nothing you say is ever what you really mean at the moment, the only real point you have is the one that you were ABOUT to make, you're a master of SPIN, and your expertise at twisting someone's comments to match your personal agenda are unmatched by even the most skilled of politicians!

I only work with what I am given.