

Beloved Misanthrope
Recorded from RFD- TV

Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom with Marlon Perkins and Jim Fowler


Well-Known Member
Wild Kingdom reminded me of the favorite commercials of all time. They were sponsored by Liberty Mutual Insurance. Liberty used Joey Chitwoods Hell Drivers to crash old cars to emphasize accidents/damage.
They were better than this Emu & goofy guy driving a Plymouth Duster. Or the Statue of Liberty ones.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I love to catch Lawrence Welk on TV, or Carol Burnett. They don't make shows like that anymore.


Beloved Misanthrope
Yep. Carol Burnett and company were funny.

SNL could stand to take a few years of lessons from that show.


Beloved Misanthrope
I'd be embarrassed if I worked for that company. Those are, hands down, the dumbest commercials out there.
When it comes to their commercials, it does seem like companies are trying to out-cringe each other these days.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
I love to catch Lawrence Welk on TV, or Carol Burnett. They don't make shows like that anymore.
Wasn't a fan of Lawrence Welk, but Carol Burnett was one of the funniest shows ever made. Harvey Korman was never able to keep a straight face when Tim Conway on with him.
