Waterfowl hunting


I would tend to think that this area would have large numbers of ducks and geese during the states waterfowl hunting season. I am able to hunt at Pax River NAS, this year I've decided to give it a go. Only for waterfowl there though as I have property I can hunt on for other game.

Anyway, I've checked the log books over the last couple of years at Pax and the guys that hunt there don't seem to really have much luck; most get zero, some get one during a days hunt; the most I've ever seen was 3 in one day.

So, if the ducks aren't there, where are they? I'm not looking for you to give up your private hunting area location, but where generally speaking can you find a decent number of ducks in a day...?

Are there any public hunting grounds that are good spots? Of course, if you know any private landowners that would give permission, please let me know.


Not dead yet.
In the sky!

No, really. I don't know. I've never seen ducks in any large numbers in the area around Calvert anyway. Geese, yes. Some pretty good migratory flocks in spring and summer, but not so many ducks. Good luck!

James White

Have a nuisance?Im 4 hire


Years ago the Pax river was loaded with ducks,Mainly canvasbacks,But over the years ,they have dwindles,For the best places to go for duks and geese,If you chose to hunt on river etc.Is to go to freshwater,Like the Potomac and its creeks,You can get a permit for the public hunting blinds from the DNR in Welcome Md.At Myrtle Grove.

Then you call in to reserve ablind up to 7 days prior to the date you want.

If you need help choosing which blinds will bag you ducks,Email or PM me once you get that permit and map of blinds.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
I see ducks and geese daily on the base. I'm out at Cedar Point but what I don't see are blinds or many hunting areas where the birds are. Not to mention when the aircraft are flying it sort of drives the birds away. Have you thought about a boat trip out near Bloodsworth Island?


Duck Molester
I was out fishing in the bay last weekend and started to see some ducks moving into are area. We will start to see more ducks once we start getting freezing temperatures in New England and Canada. We are just not there yet. The Pax River typically holds large numbers of canvas backs in the late season, unfortunately they are off limits for the next couple of seasons. If you have access to a boat you will find some black heads over on the Potomac during the late season. For the ealry season, you may want to head over to Fishing Bay on the Eastern Shore. I have already shot a couple limits of teal over there this year. If you've never hunted over there, be prepared, that is one big marsh. Take the proper gear with you (and a GPS), you'll need it.
Better yet, send BD to shoot them for you. The skeeters can pick you up and carry you away faster than a UFO of Butt Probing Aliens!


Duck Molester
Originally posted by huntr1
Better yet, send BD to shoot them for you. The skeeters can pick you up and carry you away faster than a UFO of Butt Probing Aliens!
skeeter spay comes under proper gear. Since we've already had the first frost, they won't be much of a problem now anyway.
Originally posted by BullDawg
skeeter spay comes under proper gear. Since we've already had the first frost, they won't be much of a problem now anyway.
SHEEEITE!!!!!! I have hunted over in Dorchester County for almost 20 years. Once you get into those swamps, it doesn't matter how cold it is. There will STILL BE SKEETERS!!! 3 years ago I hunted last day of firearms season. Had a good hard frost 2 nights before, but it hit 65 that day. I was covered head to toe with clothing/bug suit/hat/headnet/gloves PLUS Deep Woods Off (no other bug spray works on them). The skeeters were so thick that at one point I looked down at my hands and I could not see ANY cloth. My gloves were completely covered in skeeters. The ONLY area where I got bites was where the rubber grippy nubs on the palm of my gloves stoped. Had a nice straight line of bug bites running right down the side of my trigger finger. I have been there with snow on the ground, and STILL had skeeters biting.