Wave HI

how many wave

  • how many wave

    Votes: 33 91.7%
  • how many don't wave

    Votes: 3 8.3%

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:howdy: I was driving and I waved Hi to one of those spiecal folks
that everyone see's standing on the side of the road waving at everyone.

The young person riding with me asked do I know him.
And I had said no, Then I was asked then why did I wave to a tard.
In which I thought was crule.

I told this person how do you know that they have not been dumped on all week by people and they are just checking to make sure that there are good friendly people still out there.
And that if I could help make there day by something as simple as a wave why not?

What I want to know is how many of you wave :howdy: :howdy:
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Staff member
PREMO Member
We pulled into the ATM the other night and parked next to a van with 2 kids were waving their fool heads off. I thought maybe we knew each other, but I wasn't sure. I waved back and they both got huge smiles on their faces and clapped. :lol: I laughed and remembered how we did that as kids, when traveling across country via station wagon and the trip got boring.


Sharon said:
We pulled into the ATM the other night and parked next to a van with 2 kids were waving their fool heads off. I thought maybe we knew each other, but I wasn't sure. I waved back and they both got huge smiles on their faces and clapped. :lol: I laughed and remembered how we did that as kids, when traveling across country via station wagon and the trip got boring.
I sure made a bunch of them trips to California or to here in them station wagons Do they even make those things any more? :confused:
It sure is funny how something as simple as a wave or a smile can make someone happy and warm the heart :dance:


curiouser and curiouser
My 2 year old is always waving to random people with a huge smile on his cute little face, and it's amazing how many people don't wave back, or don't even crack a smile. Usually old people get a kick out of him, but that's about it. He doesn't get discouraged though, he just keeps on waving. :lol:


Go Braves!
I wave too:howdy:

There is an older black gentleman, that stands outside his house on rte 5 just south of Loveville waving to people with a huge grin on his face. He alway's makes me smile:smile:


Nickel said:
My 2 year old is always waving to random people with a huge smile on his cute little face, and it's amazing how many people don't wave back, or don't even crack a smile. Usually old people get a kick out of him, but that's about it. He doesn't get discouraged though, he just keeps on waving. :lol:
That is sssoo cute when little kids are all buckled up in the back seat of a car and you pull up beside them and they are waving there little hearts out!! :lmao: I always wave back to 'em! :howdy:


yeah yeah
Sharon said:
We pulled into the ATM the other night and parked next to a van with 2 kids were waving their fool heads off. I thought maybe we knew each other, but I wasn't sure. I waved back and they both got huge smiles on their faces and clapped. :lol: I laughed and remembered how we did that as kids, when traveling across country via station wagon and the trip got boring.

Yeap. we use to do the same thing. We would stand inside the base gate and wave at all the cars going by.. there would be a group of us kids.. and everytime someone waves we would get all excited and start jumping up and down and clapping. :) :killingme


Swinging on Vines
gumbo said:
:howdy: I was driving and I waved Hi to one of those spiecal folfs
that everyone see's standing on the side of the road waving at everyone.

The young person riding with me asked do I know him.
And I had said no, Then I was asked then why did I wave to a tard.
In which I thought was crule.

I told this person how do you know that they have not been dumped on all week by people and they are just checking to make sure that there are good friendly people still out there.
And that if I could help make there day by something as simple as a wave why not?

What I want to know is how many of you wave :howdy: :howdy:
That's one of the things I love about southern md- everyone waves! My neighbors, the guy riding his tractor, the farmers selling vegetables, the bus drivers- everyone seems so friendly. A friendly greeting or small act of kindness can totally turn your day around. :banana:


Well-Known Member
CMC122 said:
I wave too:howdy:

There is an older black gentleman, that stands outside his house on rte 5 just south of Loveville waving to people with a huge grin on his face. He alway's makes me smile:smile:
:yeahthat: :howdy:


I bowl overhand
gumbo said:
I sure made a bunch of them trips to California or to here in them station wagons Do they even make those things any more? :confused:
It sure is funny how something as simple as a wave or a smile can make someone happy and warm the heart :dance:

They still make Station Wagons.. they just call them SUV's now. Vista Cruiser Wagoneer.


I bowl overhand
CMC122 said:
I wave too:howdy:

There is an older black gentleman, that stands outside his house on rte 5 just south of Loveville waving to people with a huge grin on his face. He alway's makes me smile:smile:

Ya kinda have to..

We had a cop in Bedford NH that would direct traffic, and WAVE at everyone. If your window was down he would say hi on your way by.. He got hurt and was out of work, *AFLAC* and ALL of the local newspapers did stories on how much he was missed, and life just wasn't the same without him. He came back to work after a few weeks, and people were going out of their way to drive through his intersection.

When I grow up I want to be JUST like him..


Swinging on Vines
itsbob said:
They still make Station Wagons.. they just call them SUV's now. Vista Cruiser Wagoneer.
I beg to differ, Bob- the new station wagon is the mini-van. Station wagons were the "grocery-getters" of the 70s/80s. :yay: That's what minivans are for.
SUVs are suburban tanks for 5-ft tall Susie Wondermom, who just might have to go off-roading (or muddin') on her way to pick up her kids from ballet practice. :twitch:

(I have an SUV, and I'm 5'2"- so anyone who takes offense- yeah well, it's a joke.)
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Well-Known Member
The magnum isn't quite a van.


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