What HASN'T this argument been?
Was this really a religious argument?
It's been religious.
It's been about murder.
It's been about do nothing judges.
It's been about activist judges.
It's been about morality.
It's been about due process.
It's been about abortion.
It's been about family rights.
It's been about spousal rights.
It's been about living wills.
It's been about right to die.
It's been about right to live.
It's been about medical malpractice.
It's been about conflicting interest.
It's been about money.
It's been about PVS.
It's been a VULGAR attack on hosipce workers.
It's been about protestors.
It's been about therapy.
It's been about covering up spousal abuse.
It's been about Congress.
It's been about the Whitehouse.
It's been about meaning of life.
It's been about quality of life.
The GOP stands to be decimated, justly so, by this issue IF the Democrats don't get in the way, which they likely will because they're stupid most of the time, not just once in awhile. It is an absolute embarrassment to call myself a Republican in light of this DU 'esque rambling, unprincipled Clintonian meaning of 'is' 'just win, baby' farce.
The Emporer has no clothes.