We must attack this head on and fast!


Coventry17 said:
I am neither Einstein, nor a leftist. You, on the other hand, are semi-retarded.
I didn't think you could answer any of the questions but I had to give you a sporting chance. :lmao:

Semi-retarded? Is that like semi-sweet?


Main Streeter
Pete said:
We have been teaching how to put a condom on bananas and preaching birth control in schools for years and they still screw unprotected, still pump out illegitimate kids and impoverish themselves. If they are so stupid they believe losing their freedom and going to prison for the rest of their lives is like going to Disney world nothing that Mrs. Cleaver in 10th grade social science class says is going to change them.

Values, values, values. Values are taught from birth by example. By the time they are 13 year old thugs who have no concept of consequence, no concept of guilt, and no concept of morality you actually think some politically correct slide show at assembly in 8th grade is going to be an epiphany?

What school teaches kids how to put a condom on bananas? I've heard this mentioned before but have never been able to verify it, at least not in St. Mary's Cty public schools.


The fear of Smell
What's the questions?

Pete said:
I didn't think you could answer any of the questions but I had to give you a sporting chance. :lmao:

Semi-retarded? Is that like semi-sweet?

I didn't see any questions... I seen a bunch of SPEW from am online GOP idiot who doesn't know their arse from a hole in the ground. Can you even spell clueless? And some of your comments on other threads lead me to believe you are some little kid on mommy's computer writing posts on a public board -- or the level of your responses show that...

If you want to be enlightened... take the poo outta your eyes and research and read... and find the truth.

Let me ask you a few questions...

1. Who or what caused the twin towers to collapse, the truth?

2. Who is leading the "New World Order" and what is it?

3. Who is leading the North America Union and what is it?

4. Lastly, who is Aaron Russo? If you don't know... you should!

I am not a democrat or republican... but I know this country is LOSING it's Constitution with every moment the GOP is in control and the democrats are too chicken to stand up. Quit reading and relying on mainstream news.

For you information, this country was not founded on, or was not meant to be a Democracy. Let me repeat that so you might understand a little more... WE are NOT suppose to be a democracy. Our fore fathers set out the plan for us to be a REPUBLIC, not a Democracy. They shunned being a Democracy. A bit more news for you... A democracy is where a majority of the people are right... a replublic is where everyone is right and STFU.... true freedom. You are wrong if you break the "common" laws. Of course, you wouldn't know what that is... since the banks took control... Every spectacle of our rights and freedoms are under attack from this government and you political bozo's want to continue to support it... For example, please READ and UNDERSTAND every Executive Order (EO) that Bush has signed just in his second term... One EO is with a snap of his fingers, he can assemble citizens to become an Army or Enforcement, if citizens do not go along with their New World Order. Another EO is there are hundreds of secret prisons set up or being set up to cattle ANYONE... yes, ANYONE that will not be part of THEIR New World Order. You are saying to yourself... bull, there is no New World Order? ha ha ha! 2007/8 is gonna be surprising years...

Do yourself, your family and friends and anyone you care for... do them a favor and get out of the 2 party bull! Find out the truth before it is too late. Start with media that IS NOT owned and controlled by the government or the New World Order... Here is a start:


Otherwise, continue to stick your head up your arse with your politcal bs...


New Member
Pete said:
How about we get congress to set up a bipartisan committe to develop a curriculum. Barney Frank, Duke Cunningham, Bob Ney, William Jefferson, Jim Traficant and Ted Kennedy would be great!
I nominate Jefferson as the treasurer!


New Member
Pete said:
Ok this is exactly why I think you leftists are total hacks and hate filled retards.

I purposely included republicans and democrats in my post showing a fair description that neither party has a corner on the market for honesty or integrity.

Then along comes you brimming with vitriol and smug indignation and start with the Lott :blahblah:, Gingrich :blahblah: and Cheney :blahblah:.

Answer for me these questions Einstein; Did you even notice the republican criminals I listed?

What is the difference in the republicans I listed and the democrats I listed?

What did Lott do that was so totally horrid that you want him listed with the criminals?

What did Gingrich do that was so totally horrid?

How about Cheney?

You liberals get your ass all up on your shoulders on que from your handlers then you preach to others about "thinking for yourself". Talk about hypocrisy. :rolleyes::loser:
I think Petes got a good point! I am a registered democrat.

Go G-Men

New Member
DooDoo1402 said:
Otherwise, continue to stick your head up your arse with your politcal bs...

I could not put that whole diatribe in quotes it would have been too long...

My response however is: Conspiracy Theorist???

Let's see, our country was founded based on Democratic values... Unless Bush and his boys have been in power for the last 200+ years and I did not know it....

If I caught the gist concerning the Twin Towers... Meaning that someone in the government of the U.S. is or was directly responsible than all I have to say about you is: WACKO!!!

That is the real beauty of this country... People like you are also allowed to have an opinion... however misguided and crazy as it may be.

Of course I am just another brainwashed american who the Networks taught to tow the line.... Yeah that must be it.. :lalala:


New Member
You want to fund a program thats going to teach right and wrong in Maryland schools? What would this accomplish?

People can't understand why things are the way they are. Lets look at the existing laws. First off, I am going to start out by saying that Maryland is the "free state" for criminals.

Yea lets repeal the death penalty so that someone with a life sentence may stab a corrections officer and take his life as well. No fear of consequence, nothing left to lose.

Lets make more gun laws! Oh yeah, thats the way to do it, take the guns from the law abiding citizens so that the criminals will still have them, and everyone who isn't is target practice and victims. Lets refuse to allow qualified law abiding citizens to carry concealed firearms to defend themselves from criminals who don't ask permission and carry a weapon anyway.

Lets not teach kids about birth control and condoms, but pay to fund daycare in the high schools so that you can get pregnant your freshmen year, get pregnant again your senior year and graduate! Dropout rate goes down! Hurray! They get on welfare and YOUR taxmoney pays their way! Single parents teach their kids? HAHA! Guess we could fund the schools to do that as well. Teach morals. lol. And Etiquette too. Lets teach them how to waltz and the tango! What a concept!

And of course yeah you Forestal, lets not make common sense laws like the "castle doctrine" so that criminals can sue their victims even after committing the crime, gives them something to do in jail right?

The lack of consequence. I don't know how they scream about funding but the jails can afford cable TV? I know theres alot of troops in faraway places who live alot worse than those who are imprisoned in Maryland. I hear they got Playstation 2 at the juvenile corrections facilities. Definately a punishment, they haven't upgraded to PS3 yet.

In California their prison system is so full that they plan to release criminals unless a solution is developed. This could be Maryland in a few years.

If you think that the people in Good ole St. Marys County, and Calvert and Charles counties aren't going to be affected by the problems of DC and PG and Baltimore, you are gravely mistaken. Right now, apparently its some sort of shock that up in Howard County some kid hit another in the head with a baseball bat and killed him. Give it 5 years, and that will become the norm. Just like it is now in Charles County. Robbery up. Auto Theft up. Crackhead population up. Drug use up. No sign of any of these things and others I haven't thought of yet from going down. THe smart people will either fight to make changes, make the changes and dig in and fight back, or they will be forced to move and your quiet suburban neighborhood will become a future version of what Seat Pleasant is like now.

The ball is in your court.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
DooDoo1402 said:
Let me ask you a few questions...

1. Who or what caused the twin towers to collapse, the truth?

2. Who is leading the "New World Order" and what is it?

3. Who is leading the North America Union and what is it?

4. Lastly, who is Aaron Russo? If you don't know... you should!
Wow. And you guys thought *I* was a conspiracy theorist kook.

The spirit of John Birch LIVES! :yahoo:


Football addict
To those non-violent criminal offenders, lets take drug possession offenders for example, why not make them complete a rigorous community service project(s) where they get away from their criminal environment so they don't build a park during the day and smoke some crack at night. Consider this a community service boot camp of sorts.

Instead of incarcerating thousands of these young individuals costing the tax-payers an endless flow of cash, why not make them pay back the community?

As soon as they return to society from their lengthy prison sentences, where do you believe they'll end back up? It's a vicious cycle with society and the tax-payer losing. However, it is big business as well with new prisons sprouting up faster than dandilions whereby employment is bound to come with it.


DooDoo1402 said:
I didn't see any questions... I seen a bunch of SPEW from am online GOP idiot who doesn't know their arse from a hole in the ground. Can you even spell clueless? And some of your comments on other threads lead me to believe you are some little kid on mommy's computer writing posts on a public board -- or the level of your responses show that...

If you want to be enlightened... take the poo outta your eyes and research and read... and find the truth.

Let me ask you a few questions...

1. Who or what caused the twin towers to collapse, the truth?

2. Who is leading the "New World Order" and what is it?

3. Who is leading the North America Union and what is it?

4. Lastly, who is Aaron Russo? If you don't know... you should!

I am not a democrat or republican... but I know this country is LOSING it's Constitution with every moment the GOP is in control and the democrats are too chicken to stand up. Quit reading and relying on mainstream news.


Otherwise, continue to stick your head up your arse with your politcal bs...
:twitch: Wow you are full of shiat. Well I will attempt to reply to your virtually incoherent ramblings.

OK, here we go.

First this is my ass ---> <<<cleek here>>> And this is a hole in the ground---><<<click me>>>

There! I knew the difference AND I pointed it out with visual aides:yay: BTW, that pic of a hole in the ground is actually a really cool calendar, print it off and keep it :yay:

Next, I am really on my own computer, really I am. You can call my mom and ask her but mind your manners or she will :smack: you.

Well now on to your questions. See I am going to actually answer your questions because I can think, reason and formulate independent thought. Here we go.

1. Who or what caused the twin towers to collapse, the truth?
What is gravity?

2. Who is leading the "New World Order" and what is it?
Aren't they wrasslers? Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall :larry:

3. Who is leading the North America Union and what is it?
John J. Sweeny Ha, this is easy :diva:

4. Lastly, who is Aaron Russo? If you don't know... you should!
Renee Russo's little brother.

HA! I did it. :getdown:
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