...one of the many arguments to oust Saddam was that he may have even been losing control, a situation ripe for opportunists of all motivations; terror, cash etc in a country so full of weapons of all manner.
It seems rather obvious that, whatever the facts turn out to be, weapons depots like A qaqaa and the uncertainty surrounding them was one of the many things we were and are trying to take control of.
Now, if the facts turn out to be that this site was suppossed to come under out control at a point in time where we could have exerted said control and we did not, then you have an argument there.
Right now, we don't know.
One thing that constantly gets over looked that Bush actually screwed up was that the 4th ID, the rock and roll hi tech division, was suppossed to invade from the North, from Turkey, while 3ID and the Marines attacked on two other lines of advance from the South.
Bush should not have allowed Turkey to wimp out on us and if he simply could not get them to cooperate, the invasion should have been called off or postponed.
If the 4th had been able to attack from Turkey on time, they would have secured Fallujah and the Sunni Triangle and the North of Baghdad, as planned, while the 3rd and the Marines and Brits and everyone else did their thing coming North and this would have made a HUGE difference in preventing the chaos that followed as things turned out, including, likely, any weapons cache snafus like the one we're talking about.
As it was, the 4th had to be moved to Kuwait first and ended up replacing the 3rd, not joining in a joint attack.
Winning was never the question, how we won was and this is the great overlooked Bush failure.