devilvice said:Anyone know of a good place to have a wedding reception in st marys county?
Brass Rail.devilvice said:Anyone know of a good place to have a wedding reception in st marys county?
Any firehouse is good.devilvice said:Anyone know of a good place to have a wedding reception in st marys county?
devilvice said:the wedding is on a saturday night, so the bars wont be an ideal place... any suggestions on halls or lodges? called the firehouses and most of them are booked
PM Tig, she can probably get you the hookup on renting the Papa Johns store in Ltown.K_Jo said:You guys are gonna get yelled at for not giving good advice.
That gas station that has the Jerry's RIGHT INSIDE!!!
I don't live in the lesser county and I'm bad at directions, but it's on the corner across from San Souci plaza. I think it's an Exxon. :shrug:devilvice said:BTW where is that gas station... jerrys does sound good lol
I guess you didn't catch the key phrase.Vince said:Holiday Inn Solomons has some very large banquet type rooms.
devilvice said:Anyone know of a good place to have a wedding reception in st marys county?
You just had to go there...otter said:Club Bluto.
kwillia said: