:sarcasm: Wow - does anybody sleep in SOMD?

It rained like holy hell around 2am this morning in Bryantown for about 5 minutes - then a nice steady drizzle... if it can only do this for a week!
Aries March 21 - April 19
For Wednesday, October 24 -Today's going to start off as a very calm day, with nary a ripple on the water's proverbial surface. But as the day goes on, there will be lots of activity right under that surface. Sharks are swimming down there, and while they don't have specific designs on taking a chunk out of your flesh, they do have some ulterior motives for their sweet-sounding ideas. Ask questions. Probe deeper. Discover the true motivations of people today, and you'll be able to stick to safe waters.

Taurus April 20 - May 20
For Wednesday, October 24 -Why pressure yourself into taking it all in, when grasping one small detail can be so rewarding? Right now, you need to focus on one single aspect of your life -- how can you improve it? Instead of your overall health, just focus on your teeth. Instead of making more money, just focus on saving one dollar a day. And instead of finding a true love, focus on just finding someone you can have a great conversation with. The best way to move forward is simply one step at a time.

Gemini May 21 - June 21
For Wednesday, October 24 -If people are putting restrictions on what you want out of life, tell them to get lost. Your goals, your wishes, and your hopes are your own! Sometimes people try to view you under the same lens they use to see the world in an attempt to understand you. It's tough not to blame them for judging you, but they are just doing their best to understand you. Talk to them and explain that you are not doing what you're doing to hurt them. You're just trying to be happy. They will understand that.

Cancer June 22 - July 22
For Wednesday, October 24 -You should think long and hard before you share any opinions today -- there is a possibility that some tensions could result from what you say. You might not realize who you are talking to, and they may not share the same attitudes that you do. You do not want to end up with your foot in your mouth -- it's a very unappetizing snack. Even if you are tactful, your thoughts might be misread by someone who is eager to react emotionally.

Leo July 23 - August 22
For Wednesday, October 24 -The best lesson you learn today will not be found in the same old place. You are going to have to move as far outside your comfort zone as you can stand to go in order to get the nutritious input that your brain is hungry for. Experimentation is the key to keeping yourself sharp right now, so branch out and try out a few new tricks you have been toying with. Through trial and error, you will eventually perfect your technique and establish a whole new best practice.

Virgo August 23 - September 22
For Wednesday, October 24 -Skip the shortcuts and stick to the straightaway today. This applies to all aspects of your life: Romance, health, work, school, family, etc. Your conversations should all be as direct as possible, your actions should be unambiguous, and your routine should be as efficient as can be. Getting sidetracked or lured away by promises of more time or more money is not a good option, so avoid veering off in any new directions. Your extra efforts will pay off handsomely today.

Libra September 23 - October 22
For Wednesday, October 24 -You can feel free to turn a deaf ear on anyone who is telling you to introduce more discipline and structure into your life. They are projecting their own life choices onto you, and they really don't have any right to do so. Do not let their status or powerful position intimidate you into adopting a style of living that isn't comfortable for you. You are doing just fine managing things the way you are managing things. All that matters is that it works for you.

Scorpio October 23 - November 21
For Wednesday, October 24 -If a blur of social obligations is working on your last nerve, get some alone time today. Treat yourself to a quiet dinner out, or rent your favorite movie and just chill. It's not selfish to want to be by yourself ... it's healthy. Social hound friends may not understand this inward phase you're going through, but they will accept it. Be honest with your needs (like you always are), and as long as you keep your people in the loop, they'll be cool with your conduct.

Sagittarius November 22 - December 21
For Wednesday, October 24 -A powerful person will come into your life bearing gifts today ... and there may be some big strings attached, so don't let your gratitude fog your skepticism. Ask a few questions and get to the bottom of their newfound generosity. You'll soon see that the responsibilities laid out in front of you are ones you could really sink your teeth into. Don't be afraid to be up front about your reservations, but if you're ready for a chance to show your worth, this is it!

Capricorn December 22 - January 19
For Wednesday, October 24 -You are making some positive impressions on some very powerful people right now, and today your perseverance will pay off handsomely. Get ready to be invited into the inner circle, either through a social or a work-related invitation. The nature of your time with these people isn't as important as the length of time you will have with them. Try not to be nervous -- these people want to get to know you better, and in order to portray yourself accurately, you need to feel relaxed and optimistic.

Aquarius January 20 - February 18
For Wednesday, October 24 -Your trademark modesty may prevent you from bragging to the world about your latest success, but it won't prevent friends and loved ones from singing your praises! Everyone is so proud of you, and while you might not be privy to everything they have been saying about, it's definitely all good stuff! Try to organize an informal activity (a pizza dinner at your place, maybe?) where you can check in with your fan club and send some love back their way.

Pisces February 19 - March 20
For Wednesday, October 24 -Put social obligations and romantic endeavors on hold for a little while. They aren't going anywhere any time soon! Today, your brain is wired for wheeling and dealing! With this magical combination of charm and intelligence that's come over you, you could sell anything to anyone -- and get them to pay you double. Of course, taking advantage of people isn't your style ... but there's nothing wrong with utilizing your gift to help make decisions that could pay off big time.


"Sagittarius November 22 - December 21
For Wednesday, October 24 -A powerful person will come into your life bearing gifts today ... and there may be some big strings attached, so don't let your gratitude fog your skepticism. Ask a few questions and get to the bottom of their newfound generosity. You'll soon see that the responsibilities laid out in front of you are ones you could really sink your teeth into. Don't be afraid to be up front about your reservations, but if you're ready for a chance to show your worth, this is it!"

I think I'll hang by the phone today!

It's great to be alive!


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Sagittarius November 22 - December 21
For Wednesday, October 24 -A powerful person will come into your life bearing gifts today ... and there may be some big strings attached, so don't let your gratitude fog your skepticism. Ask a few questions and get to the bottom of their newfound generosity. You'll soon see that the responsibilities laid out in front of you are ones you could really sink your teeth into. Don't be afraid to be up front about your reservations, but if you're ready for a chance to show your worth, this is it!

Really? Strings?



Gemini May 21 - June 21
For Wednesday, October 24 -If people are putting restrictions on what you want out of life, tell them to get lost. Your goals, your wishes, and your hopes are your own! Sometimes people try to view you under the same lens they use to see the world in an attempt to understand you. It's tough not to blame them for judging you, but they are just doing their best to understand you. Talk to them and explain that you are not doing what you're doing to hurt them. You're just trying to be happy. They will understand that.
