Week 10 Picks


something screwy is going on! I now can't post a photo or do a fourm search without getting a fatal error message.
did a disk clean, virus scan, defragment yadda yadda...........
doesn't seem to be on this end !

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
something screwy is going on! I now can't post a photo or do a fourm search without getting a fatal error message.
did a disk clean, virus scan, defragment yadda yadda...........
doesn't seem to be on this end !

I sent red to Richard Cranium today. You can no longer send red without a comment attached. I rarely send red, but that was different.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Looks like Geek and Dowhat are both have 5. Ott and I are holding steady at 1 win. :roflmao:

Unless I screwed it up.
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Supper's Ready
:roflmao: Hopefully the Chargers will play as they usually do and I'll get my 5 pointer.
I think we're all hoping you get your 5-pointer, BS Gal. :lmao:
edit: even moreso for those picked the Colts as theirs!
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I know nothing
Peyton Manning you piece of crap... A little rain and you cant play football???

4 picks in the first quarter....

i cant believe you let the chargers beat you. In San diego no less... Speaking of San Diego, when the hell does it ever rain in San Diego.... :banghead:

This has always been my argument about domed football teams and where the superbowl should be played. I've always thought that domed teams are soft and all superbowls should be played outside. As soon as the weather goes to crap all teams that play in a dome go to crap...

Thanks Peyton... Im really only mad cause you blew my 5 pointer. I thought you were the man. I stuck with you and Brady all season as my sure win 5 pointer cause you were supposed to be all that. I even laughed at your commercials last night.

But no more. My 5 pointer will go to Brady and the pats from here on out.


Nothing to see here
Week 10 Results

DoWhat 11
Daddy-O 10
Donbar 9
Geek 8
BuddyLee 7
Kom526 7
FireBrand 6
Cletus 6
MainMan 5
Gumbo 5
MMDad 5
Pete 5
Larry 5
LordStan 5
Rael 5
BuffaloBill 5
Airgasm 4
Otter 4
BS Gal 4

To Date -

Rael 106
Gumbo 103
LordStan 102
Donbar 101
FireBrand 94
BuffaloBill 94
Daddy-O 92
Kom526 91
DoWhat 89
BuddyLee 88
Pete 87
Otter 86
BS Gal 82
SBK 80
MMDad 80
MainMan 78
Cletus 78
Geek 77
Larry 76
Airgasm 75

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Dag-Nabit :ohwell:

...think about this for a moment; What is abject failure?

It is the absolute opposite of success, right? I mean, especially in something like this; picking football games by the point spread. Look at it this way; you and I have figured out EXACTLY what not to do. Do you realize how important that is?

Leading, being right the most, means pretty much nothing. I mean, when you're right, you learn nothing, right? You're techniques and and methods could be just dumb luck, right? I mean, besides winning, what have you really accomplished? See?

Now, in our case, we KNOW what we are doing. It is tried and true and it is consistent. And it provides the bedrock foundation for victory.

All we gotta do is the exact opposite of what we've been doing and, viola, victory! Where as the leaders, they probably can't even sleep at night knowing what they don't know.



Well-Known Member
...think about this for a moment; What is abject failure?

It is the absolute opposite of success, right? I mean, especially in something like this; picking football games by the point spread. Look at it this way; you and I have figured out EXACTLY what not to do. Do you realize how important that is?

Leading, being right the most, means pretty much nothing. I mean, when you're right, you learn nothing, right? You're techniques and and methods could be just dumb luck, right? I mean, besides winning, what have you really accomplished? See?

Now, in our case, we KNOW what we are doing. It is tried and true and it is consistent. And it provides the bedrock foundation for victory.

All we gotta do is the exact opposite of what we've been doing and, viola, victory! Where as the leaders, they probably can't even sleep at night knowing what they don't know.



I now have a totally new outlook and attitude towards handicapping! Thank-You and :cheers:


They call me ... Sarcasmo
...think about this for a moment; What is abject failure?

It is the absolute opposite of success, right? I mean, especially in something like this; picking football games by the point spread. Look at it this way; you and I have figured out EXACTLY what not to do. Do you realize how important that is?

Leading, being right the most, means pretty much nothing. I mean, when you're right, you learn nothing, right? You're techniques and and methods could be just dumb luck, right? I mean, besides winning, what have you really accomplished? See?

Now, in our case, we KNOW what we are doing. It is tried and true and it is consistent. And it provides the bedrock foundation for victory.

All we gotta do is the exact opposite of what we've been doing and, viola, victory! Where as the leaders, they probably can't even sleep at night knowing what they don't know.

Why thank you Dr. Phil.