Week 11 Picks

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I can't stand watching that giant headed retard Olbermann on NBC waiting for the game to start.

...is why God gave you all those buttons on the remote. I'm not gonna watch one second of the most santimonious person on the tuge.


Well-Known Member
:razz: I went riding today :razz:

Good for you, and smart, as you avoided watching the days activities... Between the obvious on the track and on the field... changing oil in the vehicle and pittiling around the yard proved to offer much more enjoyment!

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Good for you, and smart, as you avoided watching the days activities... Between the obvious on the track and on the field... changing oil in the vehicle and pittiling around the yard proved to offer much more enjoyment!

All the biatch had to do was make a left .5 miles from her house and come get me.


off the shelf
Good for you, and smart, as you avoided watching the days activities... Between the obvious on the track and on the field... changing oil in the vehicle and pittiling around the yard proved to offer much more enjoyment!

I'm not talking to you anymore....you made ott declare his love for me last night in your absence :drama:

All the biatch had to do was make a left .5 miles from her house and come get me.

and all you had to do was call me and say "hey, lets go riding"


Well-Known Member
whoop, whoop, biatch throw down... :popcorn:

Ps: 1bdezeeeeeee...so sorry to have missed you!


Look how big Olbermanns gigantic retarded melon looks in comparison to those other 2. He just might be some kind of alien.


Nothing to see here
Week 11 Results

Rael 16
Daddy-O 13
BuddyLee 13
DoWhat 13
FireBrand 12
BuffaloBill 12
MMDad 11
Otter 11
LordStan 11
MainMan 10
Kom526 10
Gumbo 9
Pete 9
BS Gal 9
Larry 8
Geek 8
Cletus 8
Donbar 7
Airgasm 6

To date -

Rael 122
LordStan 113
Gumbo 112
Donbar 108
FireBrand 106
BuffaloBill 106
Daddy-O 105
DoWhat 102
BuddyLee 101
Kom526 101
Otter 97
Pete 96
MMDad 91
BS Gal 91
MainMan 88
SBK 88
Cletus 86
Geek 85
Larry 84
Airgasm 81