Week 16 Picks


BS Gal said:
I'm 10 ahead of Pete. That's all.
I was thinking of you Saturday. I went for a 320 mile motorcycle ride and I didn't tip over and break any bones. I thought to myself, "Self, if that mouthy broad was here she would probably be in a full body cast already because she ran over an acorn and wiped out."

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Pete said:
I was thinking of you Saturday. I went for a 320 mile motorcycle ride and I didn't tip over and break any bones. I thought to myself, "Self, if that mouthy broad was here she would probably be in a full body cast already because she ran over an acorn and wiped out."
I didn't run over an acorn and fall. I put my foot on a few and my foot slipped, but I didn't fall. :buttkick: Another near death experience. :lmao:


Football addict
otter said:
For the week..

Donbar 15
Daddy-O 14
BuddyLee 14
Gumbo 12
Firebrand 12
PT 11
Larry 10
BS Gal 10
Otter 9
MainMan 7
Airgasm 7
Pete 6
MMDad 5

To Date -

Firebrand 163
Otter 160
Gumbo 150
MMDad 146
Daddy-O 144
PT 144
MainMan 142
Donbar 141
Larry 141
BS Gal 139
BuddyLee 134
Airgasm 132
SBK 131
Pete 129
I can't say I didn't warn you other bottom dwellers.:biggrin: