Week 9 Random...


Supper's Ready
Does anybody find it odd that the Panthers are beating New Orleans 14-3 in the second quarter, threatening to score again... in New Orleans?



Active Member
My 4 year old daughter told me a little bit ago that she was very sad. I asked her why and she said because the Dolphins lost. Who says a little brainwashing does not work?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
No. Which is why I picked them. :lol:

The NFL is a funny, interesting thing. I mean, if the favorites played as expected every week, as did the also rans, who would watch? It would get like basebore. :evil:

I mean, TB puts up a good game, the Pack is a bit flat after a real emotional game last week. The Colts and NE win, but, not dominant.

Such is the NFL. May it always be so. :buddies:


Supper's Ready
No. Which is why I picked them. :lol:

The NFL is a funny, interesting thing. I mean, if the favorites played as expected every week, as did the also rans, who would watch? It would get like basebore. :evil:

I mean, TB puts up a good game, the Pack is a bit flat after a real emotional game last week. The Colts and NE win, but, not dominant.

Such is the NFL. May it always be so. :buddies:

Yeah, I guess. I just wish I could pick the teams who were going to be the anomaly of the week. :lol:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Yeah, I guess. I just wish I could pick the teams who were going to be the anomaly of the week. :lol:

Look for trends. Does it make sense that the Falcons lose three in a row? No. In fact, they bounce back, solid, after losing a tough game to the Saints who are flat this week BECAUSE they won that emotional game last week!

I'm counting on the Giants bouncing back, strong, plus their home field advantage, long flight for the Bolts. :shrug:

I'm hoping Denver is in a mid season swoon and the Steelers are rounding into shape. :shrug:


Football addict
Said it a few weeks ago. Carolina's running game has it's legs again.

You can thank that lead to Mr. DeAngelo Williams.


Football addict
Damn, that's four losses in a row for the Giants. They always seem to have an easy schedule to start. This year they can't follow it up against the better opponents in the second half of the year.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Damn, that's four losses in a row for the Giants. They always seem to have an easy schedule to start. This year they can't follow it up against the better opponents in the second half of the year.

They messed up the early field goal then messed up on another 4th and short plus the one at the end where they settled for a FG after the holding call. And I do not understand why they pressured Rivers on the last drive when their best success against him, all game, was sitting back.

They played a poor and dumb game and it was all San Diego had to pull it out. Giants are not done yet. They, unlike us, have correctable problems.



Supper's Ready
Reading up on that during commercials! :lol: I was just in ABQ and, man, tough breathing. I felt short of breathe the whole time. Same altitude as Denver.

Hypoxia is interesting. Had to learn about it in case of rapid decompression (or just any loss of oxygen). Funny how it affects people differently. I always recognized tingling skin as a symptom when we practiced, but my brain was so far out of reality they had to put an O2 mask on me. I didn't have enough awareness to do it myself.

A little scary when you think of a lack of O2 in an airplane at 35,000 feet. Time of useful consciousness is really a matter of seconds.

This is a random thought thread, after all... :lol: