Week 9 Random...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Hypoxia is interesting. Had to learn about it in case of rapid decompression (or just any loss of oxygen). Funny how it affects people differently. I always recognized tingling skin as a symptom when we practiced, but my brain was so far out of reality they had to put an O2 mask on me. I didn't have enough awareness to do it myself.

A little scary when you think of a lack of O2 in an airplane at 35,000 feet. Time of useful consciousness is really a matter of seconds.

This is a random thought thread, after all... :lol:

Payne Stewart



Supper's Ready
Payne Stewart


:yeahthat: I don't remember too many of the details on that, other than questions about possible repeat write ups for pressurization problems? That was a sad and unfortunate situation. I'll guess that he most likely didn't suffer (nor did any of the passengers). Nobody in control of the aircraft, because there was no oxygen. :ohwell:


Supper's Ready
TWO defensive touchdowns. I guess that's what I expected out of this match.

Not sure how long I'll watch, getting tired. Good game, though. :yay:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
:killingme Seems like it doesn't it. That was a great game. Big Ben is the man! Pittsburgh has a tough game this Sunday. Can't wait to watch it.

It started off great but, every possession, it just got more and more one sided to the point where the worst thing that could happen to Denver was get the ball back. They had a better chance of scoring on D.
