Weird Bug Bite


New Member
Weird Bites

I got bit last year around easter time. I had about five bites below my stomach in a row, 7 up and down my leg in a row, and then about 3 on my hip in a row. They itched alot and were round about the shape of a dime, raised and red. I just woke up one morning with them. By the end of the day I felt sick. They went away after about a week and I never seen them again. Any ideas?

Hot N Bothered

New Member
Sweat bees are attracted to hot sweaty men.

Their bites are similar to mosquitos, but usually bigger and irregular in shape, and they itch like hell.


I am alive :yay:

I woulda had an update sooner, but the house is sold, I got the job, and we're packing up junk and hauling other junk away. :yay: :yay:

As for the bug-bites, I put some Benadryl on it. That knocked the itching right out. I also had one on the back of my neck that I didn't notice until later.... Now the one on my arm, and the one on my forehead (the ones that got treated) are gone - and the one on my neck is still there, although it's not itchy right now.

Didn't get sick, and there were no ill effects - so I guess it wasn't anything poisonous.

Now when I lifted that fence up and saw all the bugs and spiders, there were a couple brown recluses - not sure if I saw a black widow or not, but I thought I saw one (that's the reason I was worried about bitemarks). No ticks.

And I'm allergic to certain bees, although, I'm sure that you know a bee-sting when it happens, not 10 minutes later.

Still have no idea what it could have been - but unless there's a possibility of long-term damage, I don't care.. they're gone.

Thanks for all the pointers fokes. :howdy:
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New Member
Originally posted by meme was swollen for a day or two. It actually felt like I had stepped on a bee. I didn't know that Scorpions here weren't poisoness, so of course my first reaction was "OMG I'm dying!:cheers: :cheers:

I didnt know we had scorpions here. ACK!!!!!