Weird sleep disorders make people see demons


Lawful neutral
Weird sleep disorders make people see demons - The Body Odd

Sleep paralysis happens when people become conscious while their muscles remain in the ultra-relaxed state that prevents them from acting out their dreams. The experience can be quite terrifying, with many people hallucinating a malevolent presence nearby, or even an attacker suffocating them. Surveys put the number of sleep paralysis sufferers between about 5 percent and 60 percent of the population.


aka Mrs. Giant
Weird sleep disorders make people see demons - The Body Odd

Sleep paralysis happens when people become conscious while their muscles remain in the ultra-relaxed state that prevents them from acting out their dreams. The experience can be quite terrifying, with many people hallucinating a malevolent presence nearby, or even an attacker suffocating them. Surveys put the number of sleep paralysis sufferers between about 5 percent and 60 percent of the population.

That's a huge gap between 5% and 60%. Doesn't seem very accurate. :lol:

I'm one of those 5-60%. I have had dreams were I couldn't move or escape or scream at my attacker. Takes a long time to recover once I've woken up. Kinda :twitch: all day long.