Welcome to America, now speak English


New Member
Well written article. I do agree, you want to be an American, learn the language, it makes living here a bit easier for all concerned.:howdy:


Bookseller Lady
I agree with his point that Hispanice voters will understand English well enough to help them decide who they'll vote for.


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Transam's wife

I am a Hispanic female that was born here in the USA....my grandparents too were born here in the States, but speak Spanish...what is wrong with them speaking the language that they grew up on and English? Not a damn thing!! That is what makes America great!! All these different backrounds of different races....you have Native Americans, Spanish, Mexican, Africans, Asians, Italians, French, etc....all rolled into one great country. I am so sick of hearing about "it's American, learn English"....they teach Spanish and French in schools...what is so wrong with that? Is it not helping our youth to go out and be a better person and get a better job? Companies want people that are bi-lingual now...I say let people speak what they want, but yes, they should also learn English if they are going to become an American.


New Member
I understand that many more people of different nationalities are coming into our country, but what I do not understand is that they are not required to learn our language. If we are to go to their country, we would have to learn to speak what they are saying. Many Elementary schools these days are having spanish as a course. Come to think of it, where my son is attending daycare, they are trying to get the kids to learn spanish. I know times they are a changin, but why should we have to learn other people's language, and they not be required to speak our language. I just do not understand this. If you are in America, you should speak our language and understand it!


Bookseller Lady
I understand that many more people of different nationalities are coming into our country, but what I do not understand is that they are not required to learn our language. If we are to go to their country, we would have to learn to speak what they are saying. Many Elementary schools these days are having spanish as a course. Come to think of it, where my son is attending daycare, they are trying to get the kids to learn spanish. I know times they are a changin, but why should we have to learn other people's language, and they not be required to speak our language. I just do not understand this. If you are in America, you should speak our language and understand it!

Nothing wrong with knowing a second language. In many countries it's a given that you'll learn one or two languages in the course of your education, and the younger they start the better.


Skinny people need LESS
I am a Hispanic female that was born here in the USA....my grandparents too were born here in the States, but speak Spanish...what is wrong with them speaking the language that they grew up on and English? Not a damn thing!! That is what makes America great!! All these different backrounds of different races....you have Native Americans, Spanish, Mexican, Africans, Asians, Italians, French, etc....all rolled into one great country. I am so sick of hearing about "it's American, learn English"....they teach Spanish and French in schools...what is so wrong with that? Is it not helping our youth to go out and be a better person and get a better job? Companies want people that are bi-lingual now...I say let people speak what they want, but yes, they should also learn English if they are going to become an American.

If you were born in the United States, you're an American, not Hispanic:doh::shrug:


24/7 Single Dad
I understand that many more people of different nationalities are coming into our country, but what I do not understand is that they are not required to learn our language.

It's still a requirement for citizenship, just like entering the country with a proper visa


Bookseller Lady
I am a Hispanic female that was born here in the USA....my grandparents too were born here in the States, but speak Spanish...what is wrong with them speaking the language that they grew up on and English? Not a damn thing!! That is what makes America great!! All these different backrounds of different races....you have Native Americans, Spanish, Mexican, Africans, Asians, Italians, French, etc....all rolled into one great country. I am so sick of hearing about "it's American, learn English"....they teach Spanish and French in schools...what is so wrong with that? Is it not helping our youth to go out and be a better person and get a better job? Companies want people that are bi-lingual now...I say let people speak what they want, but yes, they should also learn English if they are going to become an American.

The point of the article was that American Citizens (voters) should understand English, so why "balkanize" the policital process by having debates broadcast in multiple languages? How can someone fully participate in a country's political process if they don't know the language? You can't become a citizen of any country I know of if you don't speak their language.
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Skinny people need LESS
It's still a requirement for citizenship, just like entering the country with a proper visa

:yay: At least someone else read the article or understands what the law says...


Naturalization is the process by which U.S. citizenship is conferred upon a foreign citizen or national after he or she fulfills the requirements established by Congress in the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). The general requirements for administrative naturalization include:

*a period of continuous residence and physical presence in the United States;
residence in a particular USCIS District prior to filing;
*an ability to read, write, and speak English;
*a knowledge and understanding of U.S. history and government;
*good moral character;
*attachment to the principles of the U.S. Constitution; and,
favorable disposition toward the United States.
Note: Recent changes in immigration law and USCIS procedures now make it easier for U.S. military personnel to naturalize (see Naturalization Information for Military Personnel).

All naturalization applicants must demonstrate good moral character, attachment, and favorable disposition.

This page can be found at Naturalization
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New Member
When do they have the German debates, The Swahili debates, and the Irish debates. Lets be fair and not suck up to one ethnic group.

I think being bi-lingual is great, its a bonus,but in the US , English or its Southern Maryland dialect is the language we speak and if you dont wish to learn it then dont expect us to cater to what you do know.


Highlander's MPD
I am a Hispanic female that was born here in the USA....my grandparents too were born here in the States, but speak Spanish...what is wrong with them speaking the language that they grew up on and English? Not a damn thing!! That is what makes America great!! All these different backrounds of different races....you have Native Americans, Spanish, Mexican, Africans, Asians, Italians, French, etc....all rolled into one great country. I am so sick of hearing about "it's American, learn English"....they teach Spanish and French in schools...what is so wrong with that? Is it not helping our youth to go out and be a better person and get a better job? Companies want people that are bi-lingual now...I say let people speak what they want, but yes, they should also learn English if they are going to become an American.

What is it you believe? You give two conflicting answers. Just curious. I think it's great to speak more than one language but I also think if you want to stay here and become a citizen, you should speak english. Hearing people in the store speaking spanish doesn't bother me at all. I use it as an opportunity to learn my spanish by trying to figure out what they are saying but I don't think we should have "spanish" as an option on ATM machines, etc. I walked into a K-Mart recently and saw that all the sections were marked with english and spanish. I had to say WTF? This is Maryland, not Guatemala.


New Member
When my sister moved to Italy do you think she expected everyone to know English? No one catered to her and she never expected them to. She started an Italian class right away and now speaks fluent Italian. Why should my hard earned tax dollars go to making sure that there are forms and booklets and whatever else the government prints up in Spanish. I hate going into all these stores (Lowes, JCPenny) and seeing Spanish under the English words. Learn the language of the country you live in. I can not understand how people have lived here 3, 4, 5 years and still do not know English!!!! Its called LAZINESS. And why should they learn when Spanish is everywhere.