Well People, it just keeps getting better & better


Most hospitals won't work on a payment plan [we've been throught this alot] until the bill goes to the collection agency. But some places [the Diamond Headache Clinic in Chicago was one] do offer financial help if you are truly in need, sometimes payments, or a low interest loan. Other place want a credit card up front before they even see you [John Hopkins] It's all in who you are dealing with.


New Member
I don't know the financial situation but it made me think of my granny. She worked hard her whole life, raised 5 kids on her own, and now has all the medical problems that you get when you get older. She survived chemo to beat cancer a few years back. She has medical bills that she pays what she can, but she doesn't have any income other then Social Security. When I give her some money I tell her to spend it on herself, not pay the medical bills. When she passes on they can be paid with her house. They will get their money in time, but for now they just get a little each month.


Look and see if NIH has any studies going on. It's free and you won't get better medical care anywhere! Plus, once your a patient your a patient for life and they will always see you for this condition. I LOVE NIH.
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Free to Fly
Mousebaby, sometimes you can speak to the Hospital Patient Advocate and they can do some pretty amazing things. I don't know your medical history but it sounds like you have quite a bit going on. I've seen Advocates get people free meds directly from the manufacturers, get hospital bills written off and/or reduced. A friend of mine got hit with a serious medical problem he wasn't prepared for and they were a real god-send. Best of luck to you.