Well Roger ...


Does my butt look big?
..got better then got worse..got very swollen and hot muscles from the banamine shots...still on some bute and banamine paste...Last two days very stiff in the front and throwing his left leg out from the shoulder...today walking better but two abscesses popped at the heel bulbs...vet comes out tomorrow for more X rays...will let you know..going to go get pics now to post


Animal Poor!
Pasofever said:
..got better then got worse..got very swollen and hot muscles from the banamine shots...still on some bute and banamine paste...Last two days very stiff in the front and throwing his left leg out from the shoulder...today walking better but two abscesses popped at the heel bulbs...vet comes out tomorrow for more X rays...will let you know..going to go get pics now to post

AWWWW.... Poor Roger.


Does my butt look big?
Ok here are the pics...both sides of my thumbs are new places and had puss in them today when pushed..now before you say anything about his feet this boy is on a 4 week schedule and was done last week..we had been fighting thrush deep in the frog/heal area.


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New Member
no kidding he was done last week?? good god!
have you ever tried the paste meant for mastitis in cows for thrush? it works well. it comes in tube-syringes too. sorry about those abcesses, i know how much the suck...or at least my horse knows.


Does my butt look big?
devinej said:
no kidding he was done last week?? good god!
have you ever tried the paste meant for mastitis in cows for thrush? it works well. it comes in tube-syringes too. sorry about those abcesses, i know how much the suck...or at least my horse knows.

He grows fast because of his diet..he has no chips or anything it is the sawdust that makes the bottom look rough and I took the picture at night...He has been on 4 weeks forever even when he had shoes...the problems have been the frog areas...

Yes I have used and have cephlexin ointment the problem is he has been lame for a month and just popped these yesterday you cant treat what you cant see...

He has had X rays..bute banamine epson soaks and ithamal diapers put on him and he is in a clean stall of over 8" sawdust...Will post a better pic of the foot later.

ugg actually he is now on a 3 week schedule I forgot we went to 6 weeks on the others so he gets done 1/2 way as we do 2 sets...he has even been on a 2 week schedule he grows fast..even the blacksmith who did him a few weeks ago said he would NEVER believe me if he did not do him himself..


New Member
Paso, sorry to hear about your horse... I dont know the history but I just wanted to mention that when it comes to abcess's, some farriers and vets think that Bute will slow down the draining process... I was also wondering if the Banamine shots were IM or IV? I really like Animalintex pads for abcess's.. just cut to fit and wrap with vetwrap...


R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
covekat said:
Paso, sorry to hear about your horse... I dont know the history but I just wanted to mention that when it comes to abcess's, some farriers and vets think that Bute will slow down the draining process... I was also wondering if the Banamine shots were IM or IV? I really like Animalintex pads for abcess's.. just cut to fit and wrap with vetwrap...

Where can one pick up those pads? I have a horse coming hopefully tomorrow and he is in great need of foot help. First I have to find a way to get his shoes pulled and feet trimmed. He is three legged lame and been that way now I hear since Dec. Trying to get a hold of a sling just in case in the meantime. :howdy:


New Member
I'm pretty sure Wheatly's or Loveville carries them... any decent tack shop should... I know Lucy's didnt, and I told them they should... They are made by 3M, and are about 6 bucks... they are great for abcess's, and wounds, sore tendons... etc.

They do make special cut ones in the hoof shape, but I buy the big square pad and just cut to fit!

Do you know why the horse you are getting is lame? The Animalintex pads will really soften a horses foot up after a day or two... good for helping abcess's drain. So if it's not a suspected abcess on this horse, I wouldnt use one.

If a horse is really foot sore, and laminitis/abcess's has been ruled out, you can always paint the bottom of the foot with venice turpentine to help toughen it up.


R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
covekat said:
I'm pretty sure Wheatly's or Loveville carries them... any decent tack shop should... I know Lucy's didnt, and I told them they should... They are made by 3M, and are about 6 bucks... they are great for abcess's, and wounds, sore tendons... etc.

They do make special cut ones in the hoof shape, but I buy the big square pad and just cut to fit!

Do you know why the horse you are getting is lame? The Animalintex pads will really soften a horses foot up after a day or two... good for helping abcess's drain. So if it's not a suspected abcess on this horse, I wouldnt use one.

If a horse is really foot sore, and laminitis/abcess's has been ruled out, you can always paint the bottom of the foot with venice turpentine to help toughen it up.

Apparently he stepped on something out in the paddock and it cut up through the sole of his foot. They never found whatever they claim he stepped on. It was a deeper cut that got infected. He just recently broke through with another abcess at the coronary band. He won't use his foot and now his other foot has taken the brunt of weight and might be starting to founder.


New Member
Oh boy, sounds like you are going to have your hands full.. I would try a pad in this case.. Is he on anti biotics for the infection? In the cases where a horse will not bare weight on the sore foot, then Bute IS recommended, because of the risk of founder. Have you had a vet look at him?


New Member
Passo, I was wondering if you have your horse on any Probios, Bute and Banamine can really wreak havic on the intestional tract, especially when used together! It might be good to look at an Ulcer med also, I like U7, the horses like it too, and I have had good results from using it, as compared to the more expensive Gastro Guard.


R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
covekat said:
Oh boy, sounds like you are going to have your hands full.. I would try a pad in this case.. Is he on anti biotics for the infection? In the cases where a horse will not bare weight on the sore foot, then Bute IS recommended, because of the risk of founder. Have you had a vet look at him?

He has been on antibiotics and under vet care off and on supposedly. When I went to visit him last he had also lost a lot of weight. I've been trying to get him home for some time now.


New Member
Just wondering why you cant get him home? I have a truck and trailer if that is the problem... He sounds like right now he needs continual care from a vet and blacksmith... what area is he located?


R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
covekat said:
Just wondering why you cant get him home? I have a truck and trailer if that is the problem... He sounds like right now he needs continual care from a vet and blacksmith... what area is he located?

I sent you a PM, Thanks for offering to help. I have the farrier coming this Sunday. Hopefully we can at least get that work started but I'm just not to sure how.


Does my butt look big?
covekat said:
Paso, sorry to hear about your horse... I dont know the history but I just wanted to mention that when it comes to abcess's, some farriers and vets think that Bute will slow down the draining process... I was also wondering if the Banamine shots were IM or IV? I really like Animalintex pads for abcess's.. just cut to fit and wrap with vetwrap...

IM as directed from the vet now he is all blowed up..doing well now got his feet done today and has easy boots on....and started on a new foot med...Banamine PO ...bute and 30 sulfa tabs a day..


Does my butt look big?
Taken today


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New Member
so I want my horse's hooves to grow faster (maybe not quite as fast as roger's) so what diet is he on?