Well Skins Fans


Football addict
We need a decent draft EVERY year. I mean, consider; Fletcher can't go forever and he is and has been our defensive MVP since he got here. We still are little better than average on the O line. We stink, still, at WR. And still have the help wanted sign up at qb.

We seem good on D line and secondary with a little depth but, it would be nice to have another corner over 5' tall.

Well that's a given for every team. Doesn't always happen of course.:lol: I think the Skins are a few quality drafts away from competing and actually turning that page. They're improving, sure. However, they still need a game-changing WR, a franchise QB (toughest to acquire) and another interior lineman or two.

I want almost the next two drafts focused on the offensive side of the ball with maybe a sprinkling of a linebacker/corner here and there later.


Football addict
I think Jay Cutler could be an elite QB if they had some form of offensive line....I don't know how he made it through the season last year.....
Damned if you do and damned if you don't. Da' Bears essentially screwed themselves in acquiring an above average QB with potential. They gave up multiple future draft picks that could have solidified that WR core or OL. What use is a franchise QB without the line to protect him?


Football addict
Name me a starting NFL quarterback that doesn't take shots and keep getting back up?

Trent Dilfer torched the set of the ESPN NFL gang when, after they got done with their Mike Vick pity party, pointed out that Vick gets MORE flags thrown for hitting him late than any other top line quarterback. Then, he said Vick should shut up and do his job and that his job is to make a read, throw an accurate pass...and get smashed into.

It was a thing of beauty.

I was actually applauding loudly. Glad Dilfer had the cajones to stand up to the ESPN brass commentators.


Football addict
Except the defense calling out fake snap cadences IS cheating.
I don't believe that was called on the field.:popcorn:

Well, Costa himself appeared on the radio part of ESPN Dallas on Tuesday, giving us a chance to hear exactly what the Redskins did to simulate the snap counts.

“I mean, that was it,” Costa said. “We were having that problem. But either way that can’t happen. I need to hear Tony and focus on what he’s saying.”
And so, Bowen was the culprit, right?

“Bowen, he wasn’t really doing it,” Costa said. “We’re doing the snap count and we’re hearing the D-line barking a little bit, and either way, you know, it’s on me.”

So how would he explain to people what happened to the center-quarterback exchange during this game?

“I mean, you’ve got to take the blame for it,” Costa said. “And right now, get that problem fixed, without a doubt, and move on to the Lions.”

And how, exactly, did the Redskins defensive linemen make it sound like their voices were coming from behind Costa?

“You know, it’s loud out there,” he said. “You hear in front of you, behind you, but you really just need to focus on Tony behind you. Got to be able to do it, get it done, you know?”

Damning stuff.

Phil Costa on Washington’s simulated snap counts - DC Sports Bog - The Washington Post

Sounds like Da' Boys wanted to blame anything they could when clearly they have another horrid Terp lineman on the team.

I guess the Jets did the same thing in week 1 or a plethora of other teams against Andre Gurode in previous years.