Takes one to know one...dems4me said:dullard.
Takes one to know one...dems4me said:dullard.
You are cute when you are angry.dems4me said:No, just one Dems to point it out to you
crabcake said:Dems, if you don't like "cakes", why do you keep posting to them? :shrug:
And you just gave them an idea for yet another one.dems4me said:Cupcake, they seem to be reproducing and multiplying.
crabcake said:And you just gave them an idea for yet another one.
I believe you are too stupid to be able to do that.dems4me said:Maybe I'm setting them up
DoWhat said:I believe you are too stupid to be able to do that.
dems4me said:I believe you are just plain stupid.
I know, I don't know what to say.crabcake said:Wow DoWhat, she sure told you.
dems4me said:I thought it was a rather odd prolegomenon myself :shrug:
Main Entry: pro·le·gom·e·non
Pronunciation: "prO-li-'gä-m&-"nän, -n&n
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural pro·le·gom·e·na /-n&/
Etymology: Greek, neuter present passive particle of prolegein to say beforehand, from pro- before + legein to say -- more at LEGEND
: prefatory remarks; specifically : a formal essay or critical discussion serving to introduce and interpret an extended work
- pro·le·gom·e·nous /-n&s/ adjective
DoWhat said:I know, I don't know what to say.
Lenny said:Wow, that's a $50.00 word!
dems4me said:
Where does a person as stupid as myself cash in? :shrug:
TIGERLILY said:At the Tastycake store.