Wellbutrin and Xanax

Are you having a panic attack right now? Serious question. Some of my things go numb when I have them.

1.) Thank you for the PM, :huggy: You are the bestest.

2.) I am now having a panic attack because my tongue has been numb for an hour and it is not getting better. I just took a Xanax and I am waiting for it to kick in. One of my coworkers just came up to me asking why I am so white in the face and sweaty... I barked at her and feel guilty now.
1.) Thank you for the PM, :huggy: You are the bestest.

2.) I am now having a panic attack because my tongue has been numb for an hour and it is not getting better. I just took a Xanax and I am waiting for it to kick in. One of my coworkers just came up to me asking why I am so white in the face and sweaty... I barked at her and feel guilty now.

You really should contact your doctor.


Lem Putt
It isn't swollen or anything ... just numb. If it doesnt go away in another hour, I will call the doc. Or go to the ER, whatever. :coffee:

There is an allergic reaction that can happen. As you increase dosage, there is one strength that can cause the reaction. I don't remember why, but my Dr. said it was only that one strength, not those stronger or weaker.

Zyban is the same drug as Wellbutrin. I had the reaction. I got hives all over my body. I was lucky I get my wedding ring off before my fingers swelled. I never realized that itching could hurt like that.

I called the doctor, and was told to take Benadryl and stop taking the meds. The hives went away in about an hour.

I suggest calling the Dr. and describing the symptoms. Let them decide if you need to be seen or not. If you start having any difficulty breathing have someone call 911.


I saw this on Face Book. I think it fits in this thread.


Salt Life
2.) I am now having a panic attack because my tongue has been numb for an hour and it is not getting better. I just took a Xanax and I am waiting for it to kick in. One of my coworkers just came up to me asking why I am so white in the face and sweaty... I barked at her and feel guilty now.

You can type while having a panic attack? That's pretty good! :yay:
You can type while having a panic attack? That's pretty good! :yay:

indeed I can :yay: Not everyone's attacks are the same, I don't hyperventilate and curl up into the fetal position in the corner like my aunt used to (from what I have been told - she passed away in '77 from taking a whole bottle of aspirin) My heart starts beating quickly and I can actually hear my heartbeat (effing strange) and I tremble and sweat. Sometimes I cry, sometimes I don't. :shrug: I just have an overwhelming impending feeling of doom... make sense?

Either way, it is never a pleasant experience. :coffee:

I find that getting my mind off of the scary thing by doing something else helps (being on the forums/walking around the building/ calling someone.) Also, I took a Xanax. :yay: