Westboro Baptist in our neck of the woods


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
10/04/2008 08:15 AM - 09:00 AM Waldorf, MD North Point High School -

Chopper Down Dead 2500 Davis Road We are going to picket the funeral of dead State Trooper Medivac worker Tanya Mallard. God Hates Maryland, and just keeps dashing their inhabitants to pieces in various and interesting ways. Why? They prosecuted and persecuted His servants. You would protect your servants, wouldn't you? Especially if they were also considered your children and joint heirs? OF COURSE YOU WOULD. God knows better how to punish you than you would ever know how to punish your enemies. Sucks to be you. We will go ahead and use our "Thank God for Dead Cops" sign because after all she worked for the state troopers. We will also use our "Pray For More Dead Cops" sign. If you give a darn about your never dying soul - GET OUT OF MARYLAND! God is raging mad at Maryland. Check it out now: Re 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues. De 32:35 To me belongeth vengeance, and recompence; their foot shall slide in due time: for the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things that shall come upon them make haste. De 32:41 If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me. De 32:43 Rejoice, O ye nations, with his people: for he will avenge the blood of his servants, and will render vengeance to his adversaries, and will be merciful unto his land, and to his people. Zec 2:8 For thus saith the LORD of hosts; After the glory hath he sent me unto the nations which spoiled you: for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye. You mess with God's people, you are poking Him in the eye. Bad plan, and now you see the result, like this: 2Ch 36:16 But they mocked the messengers of God, and despised his words, and misused his prophets, until the wrath of the LORD arose against his people, till there was no remedy. AMEN!

This #### is just wrong and if you want to make a stand, here's your chance.


The mighty Al-Sonsie!
Anyone have a rifle with a good scope? Just plan out your escape route in advance.


Steelers Fan 4-life
Anyone have a rifle with a good scope? Just plan out your escape route in advance.

I'm highly considering canceling my yard sale and going up there. It's bull and that family has been through enough. In Waldorf they are likely to shoot these SOB's. I'm so mad my chest is hurting me again.


Has confinement issues..
Let's all show up with signs of our own... Run them out on a rail.:yay: Every time i see this group it makes me think of that scary church guy from Poltergiest.:yikes:

Want to really piss them off? This is not meant to be an offense to any Christians, but this group of freaks need a taste of their own medicine.

Burn Jesus in effigy and mock their beliefs. Dress like devils and angels and make signs saying Jesus wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire.. Or God hates insane religious zealots.

Protest their protest.

Make a human barricade separating them from the families. Grr. This makes me mad:frown:


Steelers Fan 4-life
Let's all show up with signs of our own... Run them out on a rail.:yay: Every time i see this group it makes me think of that scary church guy from Poltergiest.:yikes:

Want to really piss them off? This is not meant to be an offense to any Christians, but this group of freaks need a taste of their own medicine.

Burn Jesus in effigy and mock their beliefs. Dress like devils and angels and make signs saying Jesus wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire.. Or God hates insane religious zealots.

Protest their protest.

Make a human barricade separating them from the families. Grr. This makes me mad:frown:

LETS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can see I need to get my bail money together because I'm going to hurt someone. I think that the Patriot Guard has been contacted
I know a bunch of people that are riding thier bikes up there to make a barracade.


Has confinement issues..
Normally, I have no problems with the way people choose to practice their faith.. But crap like those folks make me sick. No respect at all.
Just looking to keep their 15 minutes of fame going because they can't be stupid enough to believe that any number of people will side with them.

I think that if someone got them riled up enough, someone in the group would snap and that would be the end of that. I'd let one of them hit me if it got them in trouble and shut them up.


Steelers Fan 4-life
Normally, I have no problems with the way people choose to practice their faith.. But crap like those folks make me sick. No respect at all.
Just looking to keep their 15 minutes of fame going because they can't be stupid enough to believe that any number of people will side with them.

I think that if someone got them riled up enough, someone in the group would snap and that would be the end of that. I'd let one of them hit me if it got them in trouble and shut them up.

Yep Self defence I just contacted the Patriot Guard to find out if they had been notified about the incident going to happen.


Steelers Fan 4-life
Wow! You're a busy body aren't ya!:lol:

I hate that kind of stupid stuff. The family doesn't deserve to have to go through that. I'm not trying to be a busy body I just want to make sure the family gas some kind of peace when they get go to lay thier family memer to rest.

Sorry if you think I was being a busy body I wasn't trying to. I'm going up there at 8:00 I'm going to be front in center with my sign that says. GOD WILL MAKE SURE YOU ALL BURN IN HELL!!


Has confinement issues..
I hate that kind of stupid stuff. The family doesn't deserve to have to go through that. I'm not trying to be a busy body I just want to make sure the family gas some kind of peace when they get go to lay thier family memer to rest.

Sorry if you think I was being a busy body I wasn't trying to. I'm going up there at 8:00 I'm going to be front in center with my sign that says. GOD WILL MAKE SURE YOU ALL BURN IN HELL!![/QUOTE]

People will think you are with the a-holes:nono:

I was just teasing abotu teh busy body thing.. I think it's a good thing..:yay:
I just joined the PGR site, thanks for the tip:wink:


This is un frickin real! Are you serious! They can't let that family have peace to say goodbye to an awesome woman and EMT! What a load of bull....I really hope Patriot Guard shows up in masses to shut these people up! Un real...They're messing with the wrong county! Our good 'ol boys will help protect Tanya's family from hearing any of their load...

Makes me soo upset that anyone would choose to use a funeral to voice their opinions! :burning: Those people are sick! God wouldn't want this!!!

I'll be there Saturday to say thanks to Tanya and her family. She really was an awesome woman. A smile for everybody. And a great role model for her kids.


In doubt? Throttle out!
They're going to be in Baltimore that same day. I'm going to a concert with a group of friends at Merriweather and we were thinking about going and paying them a visit. I just cleaned and sighted-in the .30-06 yesterday. Let's party.


Steelers Fan 4-life
I hate that kind of stupid stuff. The family doesn't deserve to have to go through that. I'm not trying to be a busy body I just want to make sure the family gas some kind of peace when they get go to lay thier family memer to rest.

Sorry if you think I was being a busy body I wasn't trying to. I'm going up there at 8:00 I'm going to be front in center with my sign that says. GOD WILL MAKE SURE YOU ALL BURN IN HELL!![/QUOTE]

People will think you are with the a-holes:nono:

I was just teasing abotu teh busy body thing.. I think it's a good thing..:yay:
I just joined the PGR site, thanks for the tip:wink:

True unless I put the name of thier church on the sign. This is bull I'm am still heated about this. I can't wait to see what these good ole boys do to them. Of course that's what they want so they can sue someone. But you know what Sue me because I will beat that AZZ.


Im real familiar with these people. Trust me doing something to them is not worth it. First off they are quick to taking people to court and they HAVE money. They will also push you to do something so they can get you in trouble. The reason Im familiar with them is cause my family and I are former military and they REALLY dont like us. The post where we came from we lost too many soldiers and everytime we supported our soldiers they were there on the other side saying some of the most hateful things about our military and our family. Giving into them just feeds fuel to the fire. I have zero respect for these people and think what they have done outside our post is disrespectful to our soldiers we have lost. Please just remember that a family has lost an important person in there life and dont give attention to these people who call themselves a church.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...people have every right to be outraged and angry at these people. Please, go counter protest. Just keep your cool. Be smarter than them. They want you to spew venom and invective at them and I wouldn't be surprised if they actually hope one of them gets killed doing the Lords work, as they see it.

The worst you can do is give them what they want. Remember that.