what an awesome morning


New Member
Went out for a pretty short hunt due to college, but man, what an awesome hunt. I wasnt even sat down under a tree for 2 minutes and i had one come through at probably 15 or less yards. Unfortunately, it was nothing but a dark form moving through the brush. Once day light hit, i did some rattling and some grunting and settled in. 5 or so minutes later i had a doe come in and hit a branch the first dark form had hung around, now i was excited! another 10 or so minutes passed and i caught movement from my right, and yet another doe comes in and hits the same branch. well, now i was feeling pretty confident i was going to see some headgear. so i let the doe pass, and wait a bit, and tickle the antlers together again and blow a few short calls, rustle some leaves and rub the horns on a small sapling. and sure enough, i hear the familiar rustle of hooves moving through leaves, and take a look. Here comes a young 6 point on a bee line straight for me! i got my bow up and waited, hoping he'd move through one of my two shooting lanes (i chose the spot at random this morning so i didnt have the best openings) i saw him messing with another branch about 45 or so yards off, so i gave the grunt call another light blow, and he grunted back! i have only heard a deer make any sort of vocalization once before (besides every hunters least favorite vocalization) so it was pretty cool to get him to respond, he started towards my first lane, and i came to full draw. unfortunately, he decided he had better things to do then move into the opening and offer me the shot. what an awesome morning, i'll definitely be visiting this spot again soon.

this was the first time i was sure i had deer responding to my calls, does anyone else use them with any success?

anyone else go out this morning and see something?
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New Member
What you experienced is called the rut. It's about the only time when deer will respond to calls with any consistency. I have been going out in the evenings and have been seeing them every time. This should last for about another week until the rut winds down.


New Member
Sounds like you had a great hunt...which I hope to duplicate Wednesday-Sunday of this week. The rut is certainly on and as soon as this warmer weather passes it will be even more intense for the few days it remains.
I killed a nice 10 point Thursday and his tarsal glands were black as coal and stunk to high heaven. He was alone though, not on a doe or even nose to the ground actively looking for one. Friday morning I killed a mature doe and her tarsal glands were clean as a whistle so she is one that had not "come in" yet.
Still plenty of time to enjoy the increased activity, but unfortunately for me, I have to wait till Wednesday.
Good luck.


New Member
Yes, I agree. The nasty weather a couple of weeks ago and the generally warm weather has effected the action. I suspect if the weather cools off you will see even more movement in the next couple of weeks.