What Are Gas Prices Doing in Maryland?


Lovin' being Texican
ylexot said:
Ok. Is this where you got that info? They used the exact same sentence you did.

... and what it all boils down to is that California once again pumps up the cost of everything in the nation 'cause of their liberal, tree-hugging, pantiwasted legislature. Can't we somehow nuke 'em. Or can Ken arrange for enough sonic booms over the San Andreas fault to push them into the Pacific?


professional daydreamer
Lenny said:
... and what it all boils down to is that California once again pumps up the cost of everything in the nation 'cause of their liberal, tree-hugging, pantiwasted legislature. Can't we somehow nuke 'em. Or can Ken arrange for enough sonic booms over the San Andreas fault to push them into the Pacific?

I think all of us should meet all of them at the lake. :yay:


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Staff member
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
.579 for regular. Hi test is .479

We just passed an open carry law. You can shoot people who look mean, if you can find one. Slots in places that serve alcohol passed last week. The property tax was eliminated and state witholding is being fazed out. We're instituting an honor system and so far, Democrats have happily picked up the tab for EVERYTHING and state spending has tripled. There is, however, a new beer tax. If you don't have beer in your house, you get taxed. The InterCounty Connector is almost done and the Woodrow Wilson Tunnel is on schedule. Rich black folks in PG County are patrolling the DC border. They call themselves the 'Just one damn minute, man' men. Montgomery County succeeded and joined Massachusetts. Representative Valario was arrested for jaywalking. He got life.

:high5: :roflmao: