What are some laws I should be aware of if I choose to move to SM?

SMIB Sucks

What the?!?!?
Richard Cranium said:
How can you love SMIBs? Is that possible?

I don't think so...but a bunch of people on this forum will proudly stand up and say they do. Just more proof that there is something wrong here...who says they are proud to be in-bread, I mean fifth generation Mattingly. lol....bring on the red karma!


New Member
kom526 said:
It has to be in a can, not one of those froo froo imports that come in a bottle like Michelob or Killian's Irish Red

I know I missed some..

You must not have lived in So. Md during the days of schlitz pony bottles. All my parents friends drank Schlitz ponies or 10oz bud cans.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
greyhound said:
You must not have lived in So. Md during the days of schlitz pony bottles. All my parents friends drank Schlitz ponies or 10oz bud cans.
Yeah, I've only been here 37 years.:shrug:

OBTW-If I have to explain the joke then it's not funny...


Active Member
When you register your vehicle, it's also required that you apply a NASCAR driver number in your back window.

In the summer and fall, beware of Amish buggies on Rt 6 and note that running through fresh horse doo-doo on a motorcycle is a definite road hazard.


New Member
Never pull into a parking space...you must BACK into it and take a long time doing it, especially if others are waiting to go around you.

Actually, as for parking, you don't have to use the parking lots becuase nobody enforces the fire lanes. Park next to any store you want, directly in the fire lane. Sometimes the police will park behind you, but don't worry, they are not going to ticket you. They like to park there too.


New Member
A yellow light does NOT mean to slow down or use caution. It means to hurry up and get through. A red light in St. Mary's County means one more car can go through once the light has turned red. Remember that when you get a green light.