What do yall think of this?

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- On the eve of Iraq's historic election, President Bush took responsibility Wednesday for "wrong" intelligence that led to the war, but he said removing Saddam Hussein was still necessary.

"It is true that much of the intelligence turned out to be wrong," Bush said during his fourth and final speech before Thursday's vote for Iraq's parliament. "As president I am responsible for the decision to go into Iraq. And I'm also responsible for fixing what went wrong by reforming our intelligence capabilities. And we're doing just that."


I guess Saddam should have let the inspectors in so there would have been no questions about the credibility of the intelligence.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Sounds like President Bush is being presidential. The buck does stop at the President's desk.

But you have to go with the info you have. That is just the way it is. Like rack'm said, Saddam should have given the inspectors unfettered access.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
2ndAmendment said:
Sounds like President Bush is being presidential. The buck does stop at the President's desk.

But you have to go with the info you have. That is just the way it is. Like rack'm said, Saddam should have given the inspectors unfettered access.
That's what I say.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bush needs a slap upside the head. How can he "take responsibility" for intel that was given to him by not only the CIA, but other countries' intelligence as well? Does this mean Clinton and his crew should "take responsibility", since their intel said the same thing Bush's did? And should the UN "take responsibility", since they're the ones that implemented the sanctions in the first place???

This war was morally correct and completely justified. It was a LONG time coming and had Big Daddy Bush done it right the first time, we wouldn't be dealing with it right now. AND had Clinton been more forceful against terrorism and Saddam instead of pissing around for 8 damn years, maybe we wouldn't be here now.

So that's just great, Dubya. Roll over and bare your belly to the wolves. Let them eat you alive. Idiot. :rolleyes:

Mark me down in the "Disapprove" column.

Sen. Jack Reed, D-Rhode Island, said the letter urges the Bush administration "to tell the leaders of all groups and political parties in Iraq that they need to make the compromises necessary to achieve the broad-based and sustainable political settlement that is necessary for defeating the insurgency."

Fine, Jack. Just give the whole friggin' world over to the terrorists. Maybe if you do that, they'll like you again and be your best friend. :rolleyes:


professional daydreamer
vraiblonde said:
So that's just great, Dubya. Roll over and bare your belly to the wolves. Let them eat you alive. Idiot. :rolleyes:

It just looks like hes' being the better man and stepping up to the plate. Like 2A says, he's being presidential.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Rant rant rant!!! :mad:

The whole world has just gone crazy. I do not for the life of me understand how ANYONE ANYWHERE can say that overthrowing a murderous dictator can, in any way, be bad. I'd friggin' take out those freaks in North Korea and Iran while I was at it. And that loose screw down in Cuba? :dead: Along with 99% of those savages in Africa that they call "leaders".

So now Bush has basically said he made the whole thing up and the Democrats will have a field day with it. Terrific. :bigwhoop:

Socialism for the masses! Bush lied, everyone died! :thewave:

He only does this stupid stuff to make the DU freaks like him and stop saying mean things about him. Well surprise!!! They'll still hate him and now conservatives will too! :jet:


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
The whole world has just gone crazy. I do not for the life of me understand how ANYONE ANYWHERE can say that overthrowing a murderous dictator can, in any way, be bad.
I didn't say the war was bad. I said he was being presidential.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
2ndAmendment said:
I said he was being presidential.
What's so "presidential" about caving in to your detractors and basically telling them they were right all along when they called you "Hitler" and accused you of murder?

I'm having a problem admitting I was wrong. I thought the stories coming out of Iraq during the Clinton and Bush Administrations were true. So I cast a vote for Bush based on "faulty intel" and it pisses me off. Bush should step down and let Kerry be President, since apparently the whole reason we voted for that kennedy in the first place was a lie.

Hillary in '08 :thewave: Bush just set her up for it.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by vraiblonde
Rant rant rant!!!


His speech was good for once....maybe twice because the previous one didn't pull punches either. Bush slammed the Dems that saw the same intel that he did and then voted for war and now want to run. I thought he delivered some powerful blows against the wishy washy turncoats. He definitely did not say they were right all along, he said the opposite. The evening news is doing its usual hack job by cutting off his speech after he admits fault but you don't see the rest where he slices up the flip floppers.


This Space for Rent
I see his speech different then the media portrayed it, Vrai. He said he is responsible for waging war in Iraq. He didn't call it a failure. He said there were intelligence mistakes and he is responsible for rectifying them. He didn't say the war shouldn't have been done or that he wasn't behind it.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
willie said:
The evening news is doing its usual hack job by cutting off his speech after he admits fault but you don't see the rest where he slices up the flip floppers.
Naturally. I didn't see/read the speech itself, just the CNN.com rundown. And, of course, I had to run over to the DU to read how much they appreciate Bush's "taking responsibility":


There - finally he said it. Guess we don't need to bring that up again. W-R-O-N-G! The turnip truck might be full, but even those who fall off aren't going to buy this sound bite mea culpa - "Oops, tens of thousands dead, tens of thousands maimed. Sorry about the bad intelligence." He ignored what he wanted when it came to intelligence because God told him to spread democracy. He should be impeached.

This was a REALLY stupid move.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
FromTexas said:
I see his speech different then the media portrayed it, Vrai.
Okay, well there is one of you and 295,734,134 others who DON'T pay attention and only regurgitate the sound bites the Leftist media decides to play. :burning:

Bush has this strange idea that if he does the right thing, people will appreciate and acknowledge it. But nobody pays attention to his speeches and their context any more than they paid attention to terrorism under Clinton or any other thing the media decides isn't worthy of the spotlight while Tookie Williams (that famous children's book author) has been murdered by Arnold Schwarzenegger. :drama:

So the media will relentlessly play the clip of Bush saying the intel was faulty and the DU will have a field day, and we can look forward to Democratic gains in '06, then President Hillary in '08.

Grrrr.......better learn to start speaking Farsi now.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I think people are starting to...

Bustem' Down said:

...recognize that THIS:


...is FAR more relevent than the weapons themselves.

And I think because the talking heads are starting to back track and acknowledge that, against all their hopes and dreams, Iraq was and is doing better than they want the American people to believe.

So, the administration feels politically strong enough now to openly talk about something that really doesn't matter and give those talking heads a bone to chew on.


Larry Gude said:
...recognize that THIS:


...is FAR more relevent than the weapons themselves.

And I think because the talking heads are starting to back track and acknowledge that, against all their hopes and dreams, Iraq was and is doing better than they want the American people to believe.

So, the administration feels politically strong enough now to openly talk about something that really doesn't matter and give those talking heads a bone to chew on.

If you don't recognize that....you will for sure recognize this:

Click here


kwillia said:
cypher, didn't you just get back from Iraq...:confused:

Yep...just because I just got back doesn't exactly mean that I agree with what is going on there.


Larry Gude said:
...recognize that THIS:


...is FAR more relevent than the weapons themselves.

And I think because the talking heads are starting to back track and acknowledge that, against all their hopes and dreams, Iraq was and is doing better than they want the American people to believe.

So, the administration feels politically strong enough now to openly talk about something that really doesn't matter and give those talking heads a bone to chew on.

http://hnn.us/articles/1282.html said:
Bush haters (#64216)
by Don DePalma on July 8, 2005 at 10:02 AM
Congress and the rest of the world knows that Saddam had and used chemical weapons in war and peace time, FACT. We all know that he invaded his neighbor, FACT. We know that he waged war with other neighbors,and used chemical weapons during that war, FACT. We know that Saddam harbored terorists and allowed them to train just south of Baghdad (Salmon Pak, Saddam knew everything that went on in his country), FACT. Congress saw the same intelegence info. that the President did . "Whereas the President has authority under the Constitution to take action in order to deter and prevent acts of international terrorism against the United States, as Congress recognized in the joint resolution on Authorization for Use of Military Force (Public Law 107-40)" FACT. Any country that harbors terrorists must be delt with, some will be delt with at a table, but some will need to be delt with by force. Saddam was given plenty of time, and plenty of resolutions, to prove that he had destroyed the weapons that we know he had. What did he have to hide? Why are some more willing to take Saddam's side? Is it just because they HATE Bush so much? These are the same people that say we should jump into Africa to stop genocide. WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK WAS HAPPENING IN IRAQ? Torture and inprisonment of men, women and children. Chemical attacks on his own citizens, harbored terrorists. But liberals hate Bush so much that they would allow this to continue. What we have done, and are doing is just, FACT. Liberals need to put away the hate, FACT.

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Re: Bush haters (#71377)
by Bill Smodgefeld on November 22, 2005 at 2:26 AM
What a moron. Is it a coincidence that all BA supporters are ignorant dipshits? Me thinks not.

//Congress and the rest of the world knows that Saddam had and used chemical weapons in war and peace time, FACT.//

With the blessings of Rancid Ronnie Raygun, Poppy Bush, Rumsfeld, and Cheney, no less. Ooops. Forgot that little fact, didn't ya, genius?

//We all know that he invaded his neighbor, FACT.//

Again, with the blessing of Poppy Bush and his cabal. You need to look this stuff up before you start posting this nonsense, bucko.

//We know that he waged war with other neighbors,and used chemical weapons during that war, FACT.//

With the US supporting both sides during the Iran/Iraq war, unbelievably. Rummy even graciously offered targeting coordinates and weather information, so Saddam could make the best use of his chemical weapons. Wasn't that nice of him?

//We know that Saddam harbored terorists and allowed them to train just south of Baghdad (Salmon Pak, Saddam knew everything that went on in his country), FACT.//

Actually, this is complete, 100% bullsh*t that has been entirely refuted. Nice try, di*kwad.

//Congress saw the same intelegence info. that the President did .//

Yet another reichwing fantasy/lie. Sorry, you lose again.

//"Whereas the President has authority under the Constitution to take action in order to deter and prevent acts of international terrorism against the United States, as Congress recognized in the joint resolution on Authorization for Use of Military Force (Public Law 107-40)" FACT.//

Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 or terrorism, fu*kstick. Jeezus, you people are like a broken fu*king record. What the hell is wrong with you, anyway? Mommy drop you on your head as a babe? Fu*king clueless idiot.

//untry that harbors terrorists must be delt with, some will be delt with at a table, but some will need to be delt with by force.//

Dumb fu*k. Saddam/Iraq had nothing to do with terrorism or 9/11. What a fu*king moron.

//Saddam was given plenty of time, and plenty of resolutions, to prove that he had destroyed the weapons that we know he had.//

He was doing everything in his power to do just that, when your boy illegally invaded and began his Vietnam quagmire.

//What did he have to hide?//

Nothing, as has been proven quite amptly since the illegal, stupid folly.

//Why are some more willing to take Saddam's side?//

You mean like Raygun, Poppy Bush, Rummy, and Cheney in the late 80's, while he was "gassing his own people?" Or, do you mean like Cheney in the late 90's, when he found a way around US federal law in order to allow a subsidiary of his pet Halliburton do business with his pal, Saddam?

//Is it just because they HATE Bush so much?//

Bush is an idiot, but I don't personally hate him. He's done more to damage and cripple the GOP for generations than any democrat could've ever managed alone. He will forever be despised and looked down upon, as the architect of an illegal, entirely unnecessary war that mrudered tens of thousands of completely innocent men, women, and children. He will become known as a symbol to the country as to why they should never vote for another republican as long as they live. We all owe Bush a great debt of gratitude.

//These are the same people that say we should jump into Africa to stop genocide.//

Yeah, what about that mess? Mean, nasty leader killing his own people, yet no clamor for illegal war from you ####ing lunatic warmongerers. Why not? Oh yeah...no oil.


Iraq was a nation that had been left virtually powerless by the Gulf War (yet another illegal Bush war), and 12 years of tough UN sanctions. Saddam still kept the nation largely peaceful, however. In fact, there was never a recorded suicide bomb attack throughout Saddam's reign of that country. Weird, huh?

//Torture and inprisonment of men, women and children.//

That's what WE'RE doing now, monkey sh*t. Same prisons, different management. Big progress. Time for regime change in Washington.

//Chemical attacks on his own citizens, harbored terrorists.//

You mean like us dumping phosporus chemical bombs on innocent men, women, and children in Fallujah, and burning them all alive?

//But liberals hate Bush so much that they would allow this to continue.//

No, actually, we want us OUT of Iraq, NOW, because we never belonged there and our presence is destroying the soul of both nations. As long as this illegal, immoral, unjust war for profit continues, we will continue to wither and die as a nation of democracy. We are doomed on this path.

//What we have done, and are doing is just, FACT.//

You're a fu*king idiot.

//Liberals need to put away the hate, FACT. //

Wingnuts need to get a fu*king clue. Goddamned dangerous fu*king fools.

This is from the comments section.