What do you think Forumites SHOULD look like...


Originally posted by kwillia
He reminds me of nomoney's hubbie...:bubble:

that looks nothing like my hubbie. :confused: if he did his hair like that I'd shoot him. plus my hubbie is cuter; that dude looks psycho.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
I've been told I look like a heavier (read fatter), younger version of Billy Bob Thornton.

I've also been told I look like some guy from JAG, but I never watch the show so I don't know that is. :shrug:


Nothing to see here
Originally posted by nomoney
well this is either you or Otter: I can't remember



Close..usually I use a walker and have my teeth in..:jet:


Funny enough I picture anybody w/ an avatar of a person to look similar to that... Anybody without a person I've had a hard time imagining what they look like..... Ya’ll are sorta like radio personalities without a face to me... a few of the sometimes folks I know, but the rest I don't... then some of you remind of people I know, so I'm left to wonder is that you or maybe not...


Re: Re: Re: Just to satisfy everyone's curiosity

Originally posted by mainman
Too make darky jealous? :shrug:

Eff yu....Respectfully:biggrin:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Re: Re: Re: What do you think Forumites SHOULD look like...

Originally posted by Tonio
Ken King like Terence Stamp.
A Brit? Come on, I'm not quite as old as Stamp (Otter and Penn) and I do have all my hair (more sprouting all the time).

The picture of Otter is dead on, but he should be wearing Burgandy and Gold instead of the Giant Blue. :lmao:


Go Braves!
I have been wrong on everyone

that I have pictured. No one except Mig has looked like the way I thought they would.:ohwell:


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
I tend to picture people as their avs, if they have human avs. Fortunately Mig does look a little like hers, so does Ken. :biggrin:

Vrai will forever be a skinny ANS to me and Larry will look like whats-his-name the Iraqi Information Minister, even though I've seen real pictures of them both.

As for some others, I pictured Sharon looking more like Jazz does IRL and Jazz more like Sharon. Rose I pictured as a red head or maybe with dark hair, but otherwise pretty much like she does IRL.

For the most part, though, I haven't really thought about it.:shrug:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Dymphna
Vrai will forever be a skinny ANS to me
Well, maybe not skinny, but definitely smaller than that beefarilla. :twitch:

If I've met someone IRL, I picture them as they really look. But others I picture as their avs or my own mental image, even if I've seen a photo of them. I've seen pics of you, Dymphna, but I still picture you with dark hair for some reason. :lol:


Loyalty, Friendship, Love
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Well, maybe not skinny, but definitely smaller than that beefarilla. :twitch:

If I've met someone IRL, I picture them as they really look. But others I picture as their avs or my own mental image, even if I've seen a photo of them. I've seen pics of you, Dymphna, but I still picture you with dark hair for some reason. :lol:
Pics of me :twitch: I avoid those when I can. And my hair is pretty dark, red, but dark.


Go Braves!
Re: Re: I have been wrong on everyone

Originally posted by migtig
:yikes: Does this mean that strangers will be walking up to me and saying "hi, I know ya from the forum" in SFW?
No it wasn't bad:lol: I just guessed your hair and stuff right that's all. I have truly been WAY off on everyone else:lol: