Eggplant taste like? I have never had it but see it in alot of new receipes now a days... TIA
Eggplant taste like? I have never had it but see it in alot of new receipes now a days... TIA
I think it is similar to zucchini and squash, just a little stronger. I like it.
Love it.............I've got a mean casserole recipe I'll put in the Kitchen forum.....
It's not sweet, now sour, not bitter, not's kind of bland
What is this so called "kitchen forum" you speak of??
It has very little taste at all. I think it was originally used as a cheap meat substitute that was flavored by whatever you made with it. Basically a "filler"
It tastes like this:
In the group memberships.........ask to join....
Okay I did, thanks Toppick. I don't care what anyone else says, you're alright in my book
Hmm, kinda like tofu...but not
It tastes like this: