What happen


New Member
An accident happened this afternoon. Involved one vehicle. It was a lady, don't know the age and she was not breathing when the first police officer arrived. When he arrived on scene, he came over the scanner stating she isn't breathing performing CPR now. After quite awhile, they said transporting to Calvert, CPR in progress. I don't think she survived. My husband was in the area and he wondered if it was a medical emergency of some kind. She took the pole completely out and landed in the revine. A couple hours later they heard on the scanner that the son was passing thru the accident scene and realized it was his mom's car and had not been notified. My heart just fell for this boy/man? How awful.

Dead Eye

aps45819 said:
They caught the hamburgler

Its been a`long time since I heard that one,back in the 80's A drunk man robbed the burger king drive thru in lexington park with a plastic kids pistol.He drove up and demanded all the hambergers refused to take any cash and drove away.Police found him a few miles away were he passed out after eating a few of the burgers.. :alkies: :doh: :banghead: :snooze:


Well-Known Member
somdebay said:
Kanye West in Lexington Park Right Now!
Lexington Park 3/23/2007

I met Kanye last night, I was surprised how laid back and cool he was. Nothing like the guy I thought he would be.


Big Poppa
keepsmiling said:
An accident happened this afternoon. Involved one vehicle. It was a lady, don't know the age and she was not breathing when the first police officer arrived. When he arrived on scene, he came over the scanner stating she isn't breathing performing CPR now. After quite awhile, they said transporting to Calvert, CPR in progress. I don't think she survived. My husband was in the area and he wondered if it was a medical emergency of some kind. She took the pole completely out and landed in the revine. A couple hours later they heard on the scanner that the son was passing thru the accident scene and realized it was his mom's car and had not been notified. My heart just fell for this boy/man? How awful.

I drove by about 10 min after it happened, it was during lunch time. I didnt know what the hell was going on there where cars all along the side of the road and no cops at all. All i seen was a full size suz on it side and the pole was gone. I havent heard anything about the driver, but its sad.


I bowl overhand
Danzig said:
I met Kanye last night, I was surprised how laid back and cool he was. Nothing like the guy I thought he would be.
He's an idiot I don't care how "cool and laid back" he is..


Dougstermd said:
Ok since we have this one cleared up what happened on thursday night??? Near the same area?

Motorcycle crash. It was a friend of someone I know, he was flown to PG, he's okay, doesn't remember much but will be fine.


Bay_Kat said:
Motorcycle crash. It was a friend of someone I know, he was flown to PG, he's okay, doesn't remember much but will be fine.

I thought it was a motorcycle seen one parked on the side near the scene and figured there was another beyond the road block.

Glad he seems to be doing well:yay:


Lem Putt
Dougstermd said:
I thought it was a motorcycle seen one parked on the side near the scene and figured there was another beyond the road block.

Glad he seems to be doing well:yay:

At approximately 2055 hrs, Ambulance and Engine company 3 was alerted to a motorcycle accident at Dowell Road and Route 4. At the time Ambulance 37 (EMS Captain Lachney) was making the turn to respond to a call at the nursing center. A pick-up truck traveling north on route 4 slowed down to let the ambulance cross. The motorcycle did not stop in time and rear ended the truck. Ambulance 37 reported the accident and immediately Ambulance 38 (EMT Stern), Rescue 3 (3C Bladen), Engine 34 (SO Nuse), and Command 3 (3A Nava) marked up and responded. Upon arrival the driver of the bike had been thrown clear of the bike. Crews got the patient in the back of the Ambulance 37 and began patient care. Ambulance 38 continued to the nursing home. The patient was then transported to PG by Eagle 1 with no life threatening condition. All units cleared at 2141.