What happened to Global Warming.?


Well-Known Member
This spring has been unusually cool and it's in the 50's tonight
Memorial day weekend is predicted to be in the 60's.

I had a long sleeved shirt on today and I am usually browning up with a tan by now.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Maybe Al Gore gave a speech somewhere. He always had a knack for bringing in freak snow storms whenever he gave a speech on global warming. That's why they all say "climate change" now instead of committing to warmer or cooler.


Well-Known Member
Maybe Al Gore gave a speech somewhere. He always had a knack for bringing in freak snow storms whenever he gave a speech on global warming. That's why they all say "climate change" now instead of committing to warmer or cooler.

Which is just - a euphemism. The left has largely droped "liberal" for "progressive" - strangely - a term used a hundred years ago by a Republican - to suggest their ideas promote 'progress' but which haven't changed in substance.

What strikes me as stupid is - the underlying cry is still that we are warming the planet. The argument is that the Earth is getting warmer, that the planet's average temperature is rising, that the oceans are warming - so logically -

Global Warming - except after thirty plus years, it doesn't get any traction. You can't get people to think the planet is getting warmer if after a generation, there's no clear evidence of it. But they are able to convince people that floods, snowstorms, hurricanes, fires and the like are getting worse, although they really haven't been - and call it climate change.

Curious what they will call it next. "Pro-abortion" didn't work, but "Pro-Choice" seems to have done the job.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Curious what they will call it next. "Pro-abortion" didn't work, but "Pro-Choice" seems to have done the job.

Marxists destroy everything they touch, including language.

Take "liberal" for example. Liberal. What's so bad about that?

Favoring reform, open to new ideas, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; not bound by traditional thinking; broad-minded.

Who doesn't think that's a good thing? And yet the Left has ruined it and made it a word you spit after saying, almost a curse word.

"Progressive" - who doesn't like progress? But now when you say "progressive" people recoil with an image of fascist dictatorships and batshit crazy people.

"Pro-choice". Aren't we all pro-choice? But now that term means murdering babies in the most gruesome ways, even after they've already been born.

Wanna see some Orwellian turd polishing? Check out the Wiki definition of "Left-wing Politics":

Left-wing politics supports social equality and egalitarianism, often in critique of social hierarchy. Left-wing politics typically involves a concern for those in society whom its adherents perceive as disadvantaged relative to others as well as a belief that there are unjustified inequalities that need to be reduced or abolished.


That is a demonstrable lie but there it is. I'm thinking these people all flunked English (and math...and history....and geography) in school so now they're just making it up as they go along. When my daughter was young she'd mispronounce some word, and my son would go, "It's pronounced (such and such)" and she'd retort, "I can say it however I want!" That's the Left. "I can call it what I want!" "I can define it how I want!" "This is MY reality!"

The last one.....:roflmao:

Anyway, that's why their terminology keeps changing - eventually people go, "Hey.....wait a minute....." It's a bait and switch, just like all the other bait and switch tactics they use. Remember when FB and Twitter were bastions of free speech on the internet? Remember when CNN was the most trusted name in news? If they were honest and called things what they are, they would have maybe 2 people supporting it.

Oh! Two more! "Anti-Fa" and "Black Lives Matter". Neither of those terms mean what their common English definition would suggest - in fact they mean the exact opposite in Progspeak, and eventually people realize it.


Well-Known Member
Marxists destroy everything they touch, including language.

Take "liberal" for example. Liberal. What's so bad about that?

Favoring reform, open to new ideas, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; not bound by traditional thinking; broad-minded.

Who doesn't think that's a good thing? And yet the Left has ruined it and made it a word you spit after saying, almost a curse word.

I always wonder about that..The definition of the word is no where close to what it means now. "open to new ideas" "tolerant" :killingme


Well-Known Member
Marxists destroy everything they touch, including language.

Take "liberal" for example. Liberal. What's so bad about that?

Favoring reform, open to new ideas, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; not bound by traditional thinking; broad-minded.

Who doesn't think that's a good thing? And yet the Left has ruined it and made it a word you spit after saying, almost a curse word.

"Progressive" - who doesn't like progress? But now when you say "progressive" people recoil with an image of fascist dictatorships and batshit crazy people.

"Pro-choice". Aren't we all pro-choice? But now that term means murdering babies in the most gruesome ways, even after they've already been born.

Wanna see some Orwellian turd polishing? Check out the Wiki definition of "Left-wing Politics":

Left-wing politics supports social equality and egalitarianism, often in critique of social hierarchy. Left-wing politics typically involves a concern for those in society whom its adherents perceive as disadvantaged relative to others as well as a belief that there are unjustified inequalities that need to be reduced or abolished.


That is a demonstrable lie but there it is. I'm thinking these people all flunked English (and math...and history....and geography) in school so now they're just making it up as they go along. When my daughter was young she'd mispronounce some word, and my son would go, "It's pronounced (such and such)" and she'd retort, "I can say it however I want!" That's the Left. "I can call it what I want!" "I can define it how I want!" "This is MY reality!"

The last one.....:roflmao:

Anyway, that's why their terminology keeps changing - eventually people go, "Hey.....wait a minute....." It's a bait and switch, just like all the other bait and switch tactics they use. Remember when FB and Twitter were bastions of free speech on the internet? Remember when CNN was the most trusted name in news? If they were honest and called things what they are, they would have maybe 2 people supporting it.

Oh! Two more! "Anti-Fa" and "Black Lives Matter". Neither of those terms mean what their common English definition would suggest - in fact they mean the exact opposite in Progspeak, and eventually people realize it.

If you read - THIS -

You'd think JFK was a Republican. What HE says is "liberal" by no means describes the modern Democrat. JFK would be too conservative for today's Democrats.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
If you read - THIS -

You'd think JFK was a Republican. What HE says is "liberal" by no means describes the modern Democrat. JFK would be too conservative for today's Democrats.

JFK would be Tulsi Gabbard and Hillary Clinton would be calling him a Russian asset.


Well-Known Member
By the way - using a word - naming a bill - they're all part of the same euphemistic stunt.

Who doesn't think there should be an American Rescue Plan? A Voter Empowerment Act? An Affordable Care Act?

I mean, who would support a "Let's blow the money on something idiotic plan" or "Let's gin the voting system to favor Democrats Act" or "let's wreck the greatest medical system in the world, screw a few million people, drop coverage just so we can say we did it Act"?

I said before we should call everything Save the Puppies Act. It doesn't matter if it KILLS the Puppies - it has the right name. And its promoters can always USE that as a club to shame you into supporting it.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
By the way - using a word - naming a bill - they're all part of the same euphemistic stunt.

Who doesn't think there should be an American Rescue Plan? A Voter Empowerment Act? An Affordable Care Act?

I mean, who would support a "Let's blow the money on something idiotic plan" or "Let's gin the voting system to favor Democrats Act" or "let's wreck the greatest medical system in the world, screw a few million people, drop coverage just so we can say we did it Act"?

I said before we should call everything Save the Puppies Act. It doesn't matter if it KILLS the Puppies - it has the right name. And its promoters can always USE that as a club to shame you into supporting it.

But we've seen people who insist, "That group is anti-fascist - says so right in their name!" "It's AFFORDABLE care - that's literally the name of it!" Right on here, as a matter of fact. So it works. Name something well and it can be anything, and many folks will blindly buy it. Marketing 101 - most people don't look past the headline.


Well-Known Member
But we've seen people who insist, "That group is anti-fascist - says so right in their name!" "It's AFFORDABLE care - that's literally the name of it!" Right on here, as a matter of fact. So it works. Name something well and it can be anything, and many folks will blindly buy it. Marketing 101 - most people don't look past the headline.

It's "new and improved"!

I think being that stupid must be its own punishment.


Well-Known Member
But we've seen people who insist, "That group is anti-fascist - says so right in their name!" "It's AFFORDABLE care - that's literally the name of it!" Right on here, as a matter of fact. So it works. Name something well and it can be anything, and many folks will blindly buy it. Marketing 101 - most people don't look past the headline.
Like the best tasting meal supplement that is high in protein, named Soylent Green.


Well-Known Member
This spring has been unusually cool and it's in the 50's tonight
Memorial day weekend is predicted to be in the 60's.

I had a long sleeved shirt on today and I am usually browning up with a tan by now.

Hey Hijinx, you know that goalpost was moved OVER A DECADE AGO, right? It's not global warming anymore, it's global climate change. Which means where you happen to live it may be hotter, or colder, or the same. Because your location isn't representative of the entire globe...


Well-Known Member
Hey Hijinx, you know that goalpost was moved OVER A DECADE AGO, right? It's not global warming anymore, it's global climate change. Which means where you happen to live it may be hotter, or colder, or the same. Because your location isn't representative of the entire globe...

I have a file in my head where I place Climate Control, Global Warming, and the Biden Administration
I file them all under Horse sht.