What happened to my job post?


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Originally posted by christy20657
Hey I had posted something on there about our company looking for a flight dispatcher and now its gone. What happened?

Admin probably saw it as soliciting...
My guess is they want you to post it as a "Classified" and pay them the bucks for it. :ohwell:


New Member
Well anyone of these things on here could be looked at as soliciting. Not to mention, maybe the people looking for jobs that post it many times over, should be deleted and made to post their resume in the paid section!

What a stupid rule!


Southern Beyotch
Originally posted by christy20657
Well anyone of these things on here could be looked at as soliciting. Not to mention, maybe the people looking for jobs that post it many times over, should be deleted and made to post their resume in the paid section!

What a stupid rule!

You've been reported.


New Member
Originally posted by ememdee19
You've been reported.

And I am still living in fear from it! Man some of you take this posting seriously, like I am here enough to really worry about it and like I could not recreate myself under some other screen name if I really felt the need to be on this board! Give me a break!

I am going to go right now through all the posts and report people for half the name calling that goes on here, maybe that should be REPORTED Mr. or Mrs. Reporter instead of someone posting about a job!


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by christy20657
And I am still living in fear from it! Man some of you take this posting seriously, like I am here enough to really worry about it and like I could not recreate myself under some other screen name if I really felt the need to be on this board! Give me a break!

I am going to go right now through all the posts and report people for half the name calling that goes on here, maybe that should be REPORTED Mr. or Mrs. Reporter instead of someone posting about a job!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by christy20657
And I am still living in fear from it! Man some of you take this posting seriously, like I am here enough to really worry about it and like I could not recreate myself under some other screen name if I really felt the need to be on this board! Give me a break!

I am going to go right now through all the posts and report people for half the name calling that goes on here, maybe that should be REPORTED Mr. or Mrs. Reporter instead of someone posting about a job!
Anyone want to buy me a beer? :tap:


Originally posted by christy20657
Well anyone of these things on here could be looked at as soliciting. Not to mention, maybe the people looking for jobs that post it many times over, should be deleted and made to post their resume in the paid section!

What a stupid rule!

Rules are put in place to protect the natives from themselves, if you can't see the logic of a rule, you are just an abuser looking for something to break.

Do yourself a favor, take three deep breaths, logout and exhale. :cheers:


Nothing to see here
Originally posted by christy20657
And I am going to go right now through all the posts and report people for half the name calling that goes on here, maybe that should be REPORTED Mr. or Mrs. Reporter instead of someone posting about a job!

Remember to report them one at a time, the admins love weeding thru them.


PREMO Member
Originally posted by David
Hi christy20657, We have to enforce the rules or there would be no point to having them. As far as posting resumes in the Classifieds, there is no fee to do that. We do not consider an individual soliciting a W-2 job to be commercial advertising. BTW, your company would receive far better results advertising in the Employment Classifieds as opposed to the negative press you are soliciting here :)


Originally posted by justhangn
Rules are put in place to protect the natives from themselves, if you can't see the logic of a rule, you are just an abuser looking for something to break.


1) I neither need, nor want to be protected from myself.

2) I can think of several laws that are ridiculous and should be as dead as the Puritans who dreamt them up.

As it happens, I agree with the rule being applied and discussed here. There is logic. There is a reason to prevent abuse.

But not all rules are like this. Not all rules are logical. And this comes from me - and I'm not an abuser lookign for something to break.