Ok, Ok, I understand the reasons for the rules, but is that the reason for this one? So that I would have to pay to post a job notification? I believe that is what was said.
The reason I do not pay to post the job info is because:
1. We are located in Annapolis, and the drive usually discourages most from travelling that far to work, especially with the gas prices.
2. Only Southern Marylanders or people looking to relocate to Southern Maryalnd look for jobs on here or even know about this site for that matter.
3. We advertise in the Washington post which reaches alot more people.
But I do understand that this site has to make money and I understand the purpose of rules and will gladly abide by them and have no intention of being a constant "rule breaker"
However, I do take issue with some of the bashing and name calling that goes on in here and the moderators never seem to react to that or even delete the post or give a warning. Is that not one of the rules?