What have you ate?


Well-Known Member
Luxury loaf, is that for rich people?


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#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Growing up in Iowa, we used to make our own head cheese, whenever we'd butcher a hog. Delicious on a sandwich with some yellow mustard.
Same here. Head cheese, scrapple and a couple different kinds of mush. Nothing left from a pig but the snout and the tail..

We're butchering hogs next weekend. Only making sausage and scrapple though...no head cheese.


Well-Known Member
Same here. Head cheese, scrapple and a couple different kinds of mush. Nothing left from a pig but the snout and the tail..

We're butchering hogs next weekend. Only making sausage and scrapple though...no head cheese.
So there is a meat based mush?

That explains all the "you mean scrapple?" Replies I got when I asked people where I could find mush around here. The mush I was referencing is corn meal mush that is popular in Ohio.



#*! boat!
PREMO Member
So there is a meat based mush?

That explains all the "you mean scrapple?" Replies I got when I asked people where I could find mush around here. The mush I was referencing is corn meal mush that is popular in Ohio.

We made corn meal mush and oatmeal mush, and both had a lot of "picked meat' mixed in. I don't know how common that is...the mush in your link is the more common kind with no meat in it.

Picked meat is some of the same face meat and scraps that get cooked to go in the scrapple. It's a pretty fine line between cornmeal mush and scrapple...I've had scrapple I'd call cornmeal mush instead because it wasn't near as spicey as the scrapple we make and didn't have much if any buckwheat in it.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
If you are looking for corn meal mush, look for polenta in the Italian food section. We called the pre-corn meal meat slurry "pudding".


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
There is an Amish grocery store in the Mechanicsville area. I can't remember the name of it.
If I remember correctly it is up off of Rt6 around the SM-Chuck county line. Wife went there during Covid lockdown to buy canning supplies.


I am so very blessed
I remember going to visit my mom, and she would always have a sandwich made for me: olive loaf on squishy white bread with a thin layer of Hellman's mayo. It wasn't something that I'd ever make for myself, but it was always delicious and always appreciated.


Just sneakin' around....
I've never seen a few of those, like the Luxury Loaf, and could never bring myself to even try Head Cheese after reading the ingredients and how it was made. ew.